Monday, March 28, 2011

that didnt happen

the work day was long - lots to get done and lots to get in the way...
and then i started to fear the state of my body in a bathing suit in the middle of the winter and all motivation was wiped clean...
instead i came home and made food for the remainder of the week...
have been researching foods that will give me the right amount of protein with low fat content, low simple carb content and flavor without lots of salt.... kind of a hard thing to do...
this weeks menu includes
cottage cheese - a good source of protein but wow the salt - with chopped spinach (you know the frozen type thawed out) and salsa - pretty darned tasty if you ask me
and the other random mix of things - canned pumpkin (I know some dont like pumpkin but read some great things about it in a running magazine) mixed with yogurt and some pie spices... i was so proud of myself - it tasted so good - then i realised it wasnt plain yogurt it was french vanilla - hence the enhanced, tastes like pumpkin pie effect...
will probably have a hard time pacing myself with that as the mid day pre workout snack...
the apples and the celery will just pale by comparison... oh well

on the tele tonight - Bridget Jones - not the high cinematic movie as the others for Mr. Firth but fun none the less...
oh and now four weddings and a funeral... i should really go to bed...

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