Tuesday, March 30, 2010

yay - another treadmill

this time in brookfield - or ina broader sense - milwaukee
it was a really bad day food wise
so when i was done eating the jamaican coconut custard pie with rum sauce at the bonefish grill i decided i really need to hit the gym
so as soon as i got back to the room without giving it much thought i changed into my gym clothes instead of my pjs and headed to the gym
can we talk about the wonderfulness of the treadmill?
huh? you say? wonderfulness?
yes - the most wonderful thing about a treadmill is you can turn on music you like, close your eyes and walk along....
there are no cracks or corners or trees or other people to navigate
just walkling walking walking
and when florence and the machine comes on (the song escapes me at the moment) and you want to run along as fast as you can - tonight was 7 miles per hour - can crank it up and do so
and when have a nice day comes on and you want to close your eyes and sing along in stereophonics happiness you can
you could pretty much dance on the treadmill if you wanted to oh and you had the dexterity and balance...
and that's waht motivates me to get on the treadmill
that and how cool it feels running along at 7 miles per hour - i havent done that in a while - i had forgotten what it was like
FYI - Clocks warrants running along at a slower pace and for a little longer time frame

Monday, March 29, 2010

MMM - Once

So in my boredom and lack of desire to watch storm tracking on TV I decided to watch a movie on the computer last night.  I came across this movie that followed this couple as they went to various concerts during their relationship and featured an underground music scene soundtrack.  It had some cool bands that I knew and I expected it to be like a rocking version of Once.  It was rocking alright - the bands highlighted were cool.  However contrary to the Once relationship where there were long pauses, hesitations and subtleties about that couples relationship - this movie left nothing - let me state that again NOTHING - to the imagination with where this relationship was.  It made scenes from The Tudors Season One seem like childs play.  I definitely was not expecting that...  And having switched from a poorly acted Lifetime type movie to this was I wasn't about to go looking for a 3rd movie to watch.  So I watched the whole thing with all its music and naked parts... 

Tonight in my continuation down the music path that I leave for Monday musings...  I found Sunday Morning Coffee on Grooveshark...  and have pleasantly been listening to it as I pack for my next trip.  I forgot what a happy little album this was.  It really does make you want to sit off drink some coffee and contemplate a good day ahead... 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

need to go outside

So I said last night - the only things I need to do this weekend are (1) unload the dishwasher (2) read my retirement book (3) taxes and (4) workout...  I have completed the first 2.  Almost forgot about the third.  And am procrastianting on #4.  The #4 procrastination has to do with the temperature outside.  It is only getting to a high of 61d today.  I know if I bundle up and head out that really isn't too bad.  I was just hoping for warmer.
So I delay contemplating on how many layers I should wear.  And where I should go walking...  I could go around town, Tom Short, Ardrey Kell, B'tyne Commons, B'tyne Corporate...  We are going back to the greenway tomorrow so that is not on my list.  I just feel like I dont want to stay right here and walk.  It's Saturday I would like to get out of the house.  I would love to go run a track but they are usually locked up these days.
I guess I am also faltering as I know I really need to get a gameplan together for the race in July...
OK - maybe it would just be good to get out and get out of myhead.
Perhaps I am feeling sluggish based on the 3 hours of executive bonus and stock purchase plan reading I just did.  That was really enthralling... 
OK - gonna go layer and be off on the road...
I think I will surf the net when I get back to look for more inspiration (see that elusive tax tasks...)

Friday, March 26, 2010

no other workout

the treadmill in olive branch was the only place i ended up working out
i stopped at one of my favorite places for dinner the next night
and the last night i found this nice little old man to talk to at the hotel

so this weekend i need to beat feet around the neighborhood or something
my goal is 4 miles each day
monday i need to work in something
tuesday i am back on the road - they have a treadmill and pool at the hotel i am going to so i should pack accordingly

we shall see

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

olive branch treadmill

I had time to hit the treadmill on my stay in Olive Branch. Can I say yuck at the reflection in the gym mirror. I felt like I had sausage rolls as I walked along on the treadmill. Not up to par I did 2.02 miles in 45 minutes or something like that. It was just miserable. But it was a workout none the less.
I did hit the tradmill in Greenwood.
And tonight is questionable as well. And it won't happen in the AM my day starts at 7am.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

still no workout

i hate to admit it that i haven't worked out yet this week
i just never got around to it today
i felt like i spent the day walking in circles
maybe i should get my pedometer out and where that around when i clean etc to see how much space i truly cover
i felt like it just kept backtracking all day
the laundry is done and put away, the plants are watered, dishes done, moved my desk around, set up the new computer, put away the old, watched a movie, made homemade brocoli soup, made homemade black bean dip, had dinner with friends....  so i guess i did do alot today
I just never got around to the workout...
we shall see how tomorrow goes tomorrow...
cant wait for my first meal of grilled chicken from one of the varying chain restaurants
it is going to be a miserable week

DONT answer that phone

At 4:55 on a Friday afternoon when walking through the kitchen I should know better than to answer the phone that is ringing.  But yesterday I didn't.  And the person at the other end was looking for someone on my team.  And I thought well perfect - I was just working my way over there to touch base before I head out to a client next week.  ONLY to find that there was no one there.  Thankfully I dont think they will really need anything from me in my absence.  Unthankfully I ended up having to help the caller.  An hour later I was just leaving the office. 
So my intent to be out the door right at 5pm did not work.
My intent to come grab an early dinner and go walking didn't happen.
Instead I found myself sitting off in my neighbors backyard enjoying the weather.  Eating way too much - too bad no one else joined me with the toasted marshmallows they were TASTY!  Having a few more glasses of wine that I anticipated - that was tasty too.  And not working out at all.
The only thing I did close to working out yesterday was printed off the game plan calendar for the Ramblin' Rose Rock Hill.  I guess that can be considered a start.
TODAY - I will get a walk/run in.  I promise....

Friday, March 19, 2010

70d today

So I hope to get my act together at work. Get things done so I can get out at a normal time to get outside.  I would love to get a walk run in sometime this evening.  And another two over the weekend before I head out on travel.
We shall see.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Farmers Blow

So working out this week hasn't really worked.  I figured this may be the case given yesterday's road trip and stuff that I didnt' want to leave unattended in the car after work.  Luckily for me a client wanted to chat at 530 giving me ample reason to NOT go to the gym. 
So I had the luxury of driving home in very little traffic.  And with the time change I had the luxury of watching others enjoy the sun and warm weather as I drove home.
At the intersection of Rea and (hmmmm - I think its Crane) a bunch of cyclists were coming out on to the main road.  I gave it some thought and considered that side road might not be a bad road to do some road cycling.  And I watched the 4 cyclists come through the intersection into the through traffic.  The light turned and others apprached.  I guess I must have been waiting for a turn light because they weren't moving and neither was I...  And that's when I had the lovely luxury (lots of those this evening in my sarcasm) of watching this next cyclist farmers blow as he waited.  Oh and not just one nostril but both.  And then he proceeded to wipe his nose with his bare hand.  My stomache turns even now just thinking about it.
I hope when I upgrade to some raod cycling this season that that is not one of the side effects of riding.  I will have to pass on that.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sit Ups

So a friend posted this silly picture from high school on FB yesterday. A reminder of a different time. Tan before I was cognizant of the effects of the sun. Short hair that may actually be darker than it is today. Hmmm I wonder how that happens. And stomache muscles! Where the heck did they come from? I don't remember them from back then. And I surely don't remember losing them. It also reminded me of this blue string bikini I used to own - and wear for that matter. I guess at 16 I could pull it off.
It gave me some added motivation for some areas I have been avoiding. (Oh Bedshaped just came on - music a.d.d. Kicked in) anyways...
The tedium of core muscle exercises. Mainly the stomache muscles. I have (had) been doing the swimming. I have gotten out there for some walks and runs. But even with the help of a trainer I tend to forget the core muscle group. Now what's wrong with that is strong core strength will help with balance in the water and on the bike. It will also help with posture while running. I know this. So why not do just a few sit ups.
Well that's what this picture got me to do. I was surprised to find myself - lying on the floor, ankles resting on the bed - and there you are 50 crunches. Who woulda thought? So I decided to do them again tonight. I must admit they were a bit more difficult but I did 50 anyways. Yay me!
I look forward to trying again tomorrow.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Walking with the Edwards

My friend, Amy, will be all over this. She knows that at this moment the Edward I reference would be Edward Cullen (gosh that alone should get some hits on this page). But the first Edward on my walk is not Edward Cullen. But it is in line with another recent movie phenomenon. Or at least one of its leading actors.  That is a reference to none other than Johnny Depp and Edward Scissorhands. Ah to see Alice in Wonderland or not. I think I will. So back to the walk.
Satruday was to be a rainy day. I had resolved myself to walk in the rain just to get out of the house. Lo and behold - the rain blew through Friday night and it was warm and sunny on Saturday.  Fearful of getting cold I layered on the clothes - tshirt, running shirt, jog (well actually yoga) pants, fleece vest, Google baseball cap, and gloves.  I hate getting cold and I hate realising it is windier out there once I get out from the protection of the little valley of my home.  And off I went.
I start the same way on most days - even though I know to change it up would be beneficial.  Down and around, up the street, down the street, through the cul-da-sac.  It was at this turn around that I noticed the red buds were blooming.  They all looked fluffy and pink and spring time.  And the sun and the blue sky.  It put a smile on my face.  And then I saw it.  The haunting sameness of it all.  Mailbox, red bud in bloom, cookie cutter home, driveway, mailbox, red bud in bloom.  I thought - Oh look Edward Scissorhands.  If you haven't seen the movie, the neighborhood is all the same.  The houses are in very bold colors quite the juxtaposition of Edward but all the same none-the-less.  I cringed at that little detail of the movie when I first saw it.  I loved the street I grew up on.  Even though there were a few ranch houses all in a row, they were all uniquely different.  I did not want the haunting sameness.  It unnerved me at that age.  I hadn't thought about it in a while.  Probably wouldn't have thought about it if it weren't for the various Depp Burton articles I have read recently.  Then I smiled at the fact that there aren't too many homes in the neighbrhood so its not that bad.  AND I live in a townhouse...  So what can I really say about sameness.  And the walk continued.
I made my way out of the neighborhood with an objective to complete 4 miles.  The problem always comes down to passing my neighborhood and giving in OR walking into the wind and getting cold. 
I turned left, the pedometer had me at 1.09miles.  I opted to walk another half mile in this direction so I would get at least 2 miles in.  At the end of the sidwalk I still needed some distance - well just go over the grass, just by the consignment shop, just by the boat shop...  Oh look I am almost to Ski Trail.  I have wanted to walk back there.  I kept going.  Next objective get 2 miles this way and then turn around.
I ran some in the neighborhood and then realised - wow there are some hills back here.  The houses are pretty.  It is kinda shady.  Hmmm - glad I put on the layers I am a bit cold.  Where'd that sun go? 
Beginning of private road....  And still I had not made the distance.  I would have turned back at this point but I have driven back here and know the road does continue it just isn't maintained by the state etc.  I noticed there was a creek and the water was flowing and muddy from the recent rain.  There were lots of woods.  Little trees.  And then I thought - Edward.  Vampires.  You see in the Anne Rice days there was no fear in the daylight until latter stories.  Not so with one.  I laughed it off and continued until I reached my 2 mile marker.  If I knew the whole way there is a 5 mile loop except at the end of the development you need to cut through the woods (a small part of woods really) to get to the next neighborhood.  And I am not too sure where that comes out.  So I turned around and headed back home.
Back down around the bend, over the bridge and the running water of the creek, up a pretty steep hill, and somewhere in there I unnerved myself.  I caught myself, stopped and looked behind me.  I am a scaredy cat, do you expect anything less.  Thankfully, it wasnt' that ominous.  It was just unfamiliar.  Beleive me the hill itself was my main focus at that point - didn't notice how steep it was when I went down it.
And I continued...  in an hour I did just about 3.5 miles...  And I even worked some running in there. 
Other take-aways...  Why the heck do people feel the need to honk at you when you are out on the road out on the sidewalk when they dont know you?  I think that's odd.  My Bermuda reaction is I must know them I should wave - but I didn't.  AND THEN there was another car with a dog hanging out the back window BARKING BARKING BARKING.  It upset all the other dogs resting peacefully in their yards along the road.  I thought that was really rude.

Today I did 4 miles at the park.  Not much to talk about with that one.  Lots of mud.  I cant wait to see what the Garmin shows my pace to be on those muddy slippery passages of the trail.

Tomorrow - maybe some hill running.  Lost my gym lock so it will be an at home workout.

Wasting time...

This isn't a new trait.  This is one I have had since I had the old Sears radio on my desk in my bedroom in high school.  Always looking for the new song.  Always looking for something else to sing along to an entertain me.  I advacned to a 2 cassette stereo in college.  I think that one was from Jamesway or Kmart.  And I could listen to one song in one player and fast forward or rewind in the other to get to the next song I wanted to listen to.  Then there was the Sony 5-cd changer stereo.  That kid in Bermuda lucked out when his dad bought that off of me when I had to move.  That was a reliable side-kick - with a remote no less. 
So let's just say I have found many a way to lose time while listening to music.  I like to think it is a better pass time than sitting downstairs watching Tony what's his name talk about P90X for the umpteenth time.  The sun is coming in my window.  My taxes are staring at me from a pile.  And I am not in the fridge looking for something to eat out of boredom.  And if I get realy motivated you could find me dancing and singing along.  Bacchus usually likes that - he equates that to play fetch time. 
So here we go...
I was - as noted in previous blog(s) - searching out some Stereophonics.  I posted that other song.  Which I will have to listen to again.  And then I saw Oh La La...  And I started to listen.  NOT The Kooks cover as I was anticipating...  But a Goldfrapp cover.  Well Oh La La - how fun is that...  So we listen and then on to The Kooks and then on to Goldfrapp.  And wait - they have a new song out - what is that again?  Rocket..  And there we go.  A good 15 to 20 minutes later....

MMM - thank you Tara

I found my way to Grooveshark finally.  Could be that nothing else seems to be working on my computer today.  THURSDAY the new one arrives...
So I decided to give Grooveshark a try and WOW!!  A goldmine of a time wasting music database.  I may be stuck here a while.  Found this one...  And the Kelly krush kontinues...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

MMM - Dakota

So it was going to be a link to the new Keane song - Stop the Clock - but I am not sure about the rapper dude. K'Naan.  So I ended up down the rabbit hole and foung a live version of Bedshaped at Live8...  And then the next thing you know...  HERE I AM...  It really should be no surprise.  I remember this concert was broadcast live over the internet and I waited all day - or at least what seemed like all day - for this set.  And I think it was one of the sets they didn't play.  So I ended up having to find it later.  Ah the wonders of youtube.

Monday, March 8, 2010

MMM - Found it!

the wonders of youtube....  not to mention the hours lost

and I think I have figured out this video thing...
now i just have to wait for the computer upgrade

Monday, March 1, 2010

19 Weeks to Ramblin Rose Rock Hill

Guess I better do more than just talk about working out...

So back to the workout

I am in a Hampton Inn in Canton GA at the moment.  I had a really nice dinner with relatives last night.  More food than I should have had but the company and conversation were so good.  I made up my mind to get back in the habit of working out... You saw the entry.  And I did the math of waking time, working out, lobby breakfast, drive to client to convince myself that I could get up at my normal time and go take a stroll on the treadmill.  Then I started tossing and turning - not common when in a Hampton bed - but I think I was overheated in the dry hotel room air. 
When the alarm went off the idea of getting up and hitting the gym just haunted me.  I so didn't want to do it.  So about 30 mintues later than anticipated I found my way down to the lobby and the fitness center.
A new leaf or is it a new lease - anyways - I accomplished all of 4 minutes on the elliptical machine.  Now stop laughing.  We all know that running evades me.  So does the elliptical machine.  My trainer told me to turn up the resistance and that could help with the awkwardness of it.  And that it did.  But my haven't been to the gym in over a month body wasn't going to go at that pace for very long.
So I transitioned over to the treadmill - at just under a 3mph pace - again not that stellar - I just needed to get moving.  I did that for 30 minutes while watching Warren Buffett on Squawk Box - so it was mildly entertaining at 6:30 in the morning.
This evening I got back here rather early - I guess that is normally the case with travel for work when there is no meals with clients.  Now I must admit I found a really nice restaurant on-line that I was tempted to go check out.  They even had a reasonably priced salad that I tried to convince myself was reasonable in calories.  But I opted for the Wendys grilled chicken instead.
So I started to look at the WW web-site and found a series of yoga videos - for lack of better deiscription.  I did 35 minutes of carious yoga poses.  And after sitting in bad conference room chairs all day it was probably one of the best things I could have done for myself.  Now I have to convince myself to stick to that when I travel.
Even when I don't travel - wow I used to be far more limber than I am now - how depressing.
So that was the excitement of my evening.  Tomorrrow will most likely be driving again.  And then back behind a desk for a bit. May even make use of my gym membership sometime this week.
Wouldnt' that be wonderful.

MMM - Here it goes

It is official I could potentially overdose on the Stereophonics sometime before the cold weather breaks.  It has been a long running overdose...  Somewhere back in the late 90s early 2000s I heard them on Virgin Radio.  Step on my old size nines?  Handbags and gladrags?  Not sure which it was that caught my attention.  OH I know it wasn't Mr Writer - never been one of my favourites.  From there it went to Have a nice day (my current ringtone), Maybe tomorrow, Madame helga (although I originally was not a fan of Kelly's longer hair)....  I think the vocals have been called gravelly?  I dont know what I'd call them I just know that I find Kelly's raspy voice pretty darned appealing.
And then there was Dakota.  And then the interest kicked in to full gear.  We could potentially go back to older blogs and find me referencing it then.  And that was about the time I decided - I need to get my hands on more of their music - which isn't all that easy to do in the US.  I ended up burning a compilation of songs through some service at Borders - a really cool service no longer provided...  And then I started to fill in the collection with newer releases...
This latest album and the advancements in technology have me just sucked in - youtube, twitter, facebook...  and Kelly and Javier aren't hard on the eyes either - so that helps.
I think I will need to take a break soon.  But not just yet... 
I really can't pick just one song to link here... so check them all out...


Have a Nice Day

Did some searching - August 2006 - I referenced Dakota...  Funny, 3 1/2 years later and I still love this song.  Thought I had worn out the CD then... who knew...