Saturday, March 20, 2010

still no workout

i hate to admit it that i haven't worked out yet this week
i just never got around to it today
i felt like i spent the day walking in circles
maybe i should get my pedometer out and where that around when i clean etc to see how much space i truly cover
i felt like it just kept backtracking all day
the laundry is done and put away, the plants are watered, dishes done, moved my desk around, set up the new computer, put away the old, watched a movie, made homemade brocoli soup, made homemade black bean dip, had dinner with friends....  so i guess i did do alot today
I just never got around to the workout...
we shall see how tomorrow goes tomorrow...
cant wait for my first meal of grilled chicken from one of the varying chain restaurants
it is going to be a miserable week


tara. said...

why a miserable week? totally impressed by the triathalon-ing. i don't think i could do that a millions years :).

hope your week isn't so terrible...come to think of it i'm feeling pretty damn cranky myself this week, so maybe it's the universe :).

Happy Holidays said...

I am traveling this week and have come to the conclusion that no matter how I try to prepare mentally my will power totally gives out when I get on the road. But hey the chocolate praline caramel cake with lunch yesterday was yummy!

tara. said...

um, yum!? i've come to the conclusion that my will power totally gives out most of the time :). working on that.

tara. said...

also, what's a splash and dash? triathalon with the biking?