Wednesday, June 30, 2010

not much of a workout

i thought today i would be more apt to get on out there and workout
but by the time i got home and the wierd weather - cooler, rainy, humid - i just wasnt feeling it
TL called that they were going to trivia night so i ended up going by there

cletus is staying with us for a few days
so he will add some extra steps in our days and evenings but nothing too crazy
he likes to walk outside and bacchus likes the company
and he enjoys being in the house with us - he roams all around checking things out - kind of cute
but i will surely use it as an excuse to delay working out

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

lots to say

i find i can catch up with my ramblings when i travel
not much on tv i want to watch and after dinner there's not much else to do
so i find myself blogging
have i commented on this one yet???
when i bike i seem to keep a running commentary going as i pedal along... about the music i am listening to (only in one ear and not on the road), the passage of time, my pace...  i think it would be funny to keep a recording of my running commentary...
but i do the same thing when i run so would that be considered a biking commentary?
i wish i could record some of the things that go through my head and remember them when i get the chance to sit down at the computer and type... but it just doesnt happen that way

so yesterday amounted to no workout
today is going to amount to the same
the hotel here is really crowded!!!  and there is only one treadmill in the fitness room...  and well i have gotten away from really using treadmills - i think they bugger with my knee...  so i guess i will have to ramp it up over the next 10 days - UGH!

someone asked me today about home training - i thought - yeh, when i am home i seem to be doing most of my training from there - i have not crossed the trheshhold of the Y very often so far this time around
i need to get back on that...  it is an $$$ that i need to use

Monday, June 28, 2010

NAKED Coconut Water

Well it is the brand that I tried.

So yesterday, I did the loop bike/run again.  I got a little alter start but the 7oclock hour on a Sunday seemed OK.  Although I will shoot for the 6 oclock hour going forward.
This time I was trying real hard to remember the hydration.  As mentioned I noticed the food intake was a bit low for me as well.  Didnt have much around the house to address that or have any desire for almost anything.  So I did what needed to be done - washed workout clothes, packed for ATL, watched the ENGLAND game (although I kinda wished I hadnt now), and headed for the airport to pick up my rental car.  That's when I thought of some inspiration for food....  the dried mangoes they sell at some crazy overvalued price at EarthFare...  they sounded tempting...  So I promised myself I would swing in there, get a sandwich and some mangoes on my way back from the airport.
PHEW - let me tell you that airport was crowded and pretty darned hot as well...  On Sundays you need to go to the airport to get a rental car, park in the car pack, take the shuttle to the terminal and then another shuttle to the rental counter...  not at all convenient but better than putting tonnes of miles on my own car.
At that point I was ready for some food.
APPLES - you know they are always right there in the produce section.  And I have found they are one of my favourite foods for hydration and feeling full.  So I decided I will get a few of those for my road trip.  Um - havent touched them yet but looking forward to eating them tomorrow...  I turn around, headed for those mangoes and run into a friend that works there.  I was taken aback... Wasnt planning on seeing anyone - you know what that usually means for attire, etc. 
Anyways he was the one that suggested the coconut water.  Claimed it was a cure-all for what ailed me.  I had seen coconut water when I was in the Bahamas - Bahamas people, not Bermuda look up the difference on a map - but opted not to drink it then.  The whole fruit from a street vendor thing makes me a bit squeemish.  So I figured what the heck yesterday...  It was in a bottle of sorts...  Gotta be worth a try.  And you know what!?!?  it sure was.  Look at the label - look at the potasium level - look at the low level of sugar and calories....  The taste was indifferent.  But the effect was grand.
I am adding it to my traithlon transition station for sure!!!  OH and I guess I better start thinking about that more seriously too...  hmmmm


Well here is a subject I know something about.  Or at least claim to.  But I find it hard sometimes to stay on top of the subject day to day.  I am the one that stands up in front of the masses and spouts about getting so many ounces in a given day.  And on good days I do a great job of doing just that. However recently, in the midst of this crazy heat wave and working out I seem to be falling short.
In all irony, I spent a good number of hours IMing with a friend on Friday night.  He was promoting the use of a water bottle on my bike.  I dont have one.  In all the previous races I havent found I needed water for the short distance of 10 miles.  I also think that the time of year didnt make the hydration or dehydration aspect seem all that prevalent.  But we spoke for a good amount of time on it on Friday.  That I need to get a bracket.  That I should practice reaching down to grab it so it doesnt interfere with my pace or safety.  It was a great conversation but I wasnt going to delay my bike ride for the bike shop to open to prep for that.
So on Saturday morning at 615AM I headed out on my bike.  I did about 6 miles.  I thought the loop would be longer but when I saw the timing I realised that was not the case.
I practised the dismount so to speak, run a little with the bike - since you do have to run some with your bike in the transition area - that killed me last year... 
And off I went to do a 2 mile walk/run loop.
When I was done - WOW, what a great feeling.  I jumped in the shower and was good to go for my day ahead.  Coffee, light breakfast, wrap baby shower gifts, off to baby shower, some food, some mimosas, some water, and then off to watch the World Cup game, some Fat Tires, then to the gorcery store, grab some veg for dinner and finally to a friends house...
I was there for maybe an hour when I realised - YUP - dehydrated.
I hadnt really stoppped at all over the course of the day to relax, regroup, and rehydrate.  And boy did I ever feel it.  JUST YUCK!!!
I went home and went to bed.  I didnt sleep well I just felt so out of sorts.
In retrospect - as in that blip of activity above - I realised that I really missed out on the water.  OOoopss...!
I felt sluggish into Sunday.  I even began my day without coffee I was so feeling the dehydration.
I did do another bike/run and I tried to be more mindful of my liquids.
At this point I was also feeling a lack of hunger from the heat. Really not a good combination.
So I have been consuming more water over yesterday and today to try to catch up.  The heat is still teaming so...  it will be a bit of an uphill battle for a little bit.  Being back in the comfort of my own home over a long weekend should help.

Monday Music Muse - another one

I spent a good amount of hours with a friend last week listening to music.  Aaaah - one of my favourite pass times.  The fun thing about this was the music mix wasnt mine but the music mix was awesome.  Somewhere is there we had a brief conversation about Ray LaMontagne.  I have been telling people about him for years now.  I feel like the inability to spell his name leaves people without truly experiencing this wonderful muffled sultry voice...
So it may not end up on my mix of music to swim/bike/run with.... but it sure works well over a cup of coffee on a quiet Sunday morning with the sun just about to rise.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

well i did it!!!

as previously mentioned i got different tires on my bike last week...  i took it for a ride at the park when i got the bike... with the notion that i would take it for a road ride early morning this weekend.
one of my co-workers suggested riding around the 630 time frame to avoid traffic
i have been scoping out roads and grades for a while now to see where i should go riding
i had this notion of riding out 10 miles and then calling someone to come get me - really i did - that way i wouldnt have to go back up this killer hill on the way home.. i also had the notion of going 6 miles and back 4 and then running home to the car 2 miles in prep for the race...  again 6 miles out is quite the haul...
so then i looked at a loop that would bring me by the HT and KP's house...  not a bad loop.. except the HILL in front of KP's neighborhood.  I suspected I could have gotten some more distance by detouring through her neighborhood etc etc...  but opted against that one as well
then i found one near the park - a 5 mile loop that i could extend by doing a couple laps on the trail in the park..  but wasnt moving all that fast this morning and the thought of driving and then getting on the bike made me hesitate - would hate to get there and not follow through with my plan...
so much thought, so much thought, just call me analytic!  with an emphasis on ANAL..  really...  just crunch some numbers while i am at it
decided on a slightly shorter route
and it went rather well
so well in fact i actually contemplated doing it twice before heading home...
i thought twice on that and headed home
hopped off the bike and walked to town and back. 
i was moving for about 90 minutes
a good little brick
now need to swim some
and may need to do some interval training on the running bit
off to ATL tomorrow

Friday, June 25, 2010


insomnia...  every night this week i have woken up in the middle of the night and been unable to sleep
multiple things going through my head
i HATE that
last night - it was work - but worse yet a dream - i was in my vacation home (like i can afford two homes on my salary) and was getting ready to go to disney world - i was packing up the mini van (that would be an MGV influence from yesterday) and noticed a storm was approaching - so i took the back bench of the mini van and all the blankets and went inside - turned out to be a tornado - a rather wierd experience for a dream (unless maybe the freight train was going through town at that time) - bacchus and i were hunkered down and OK - then my parents showed up (that always messes with my head in dream world - kind of an i dont want to wake up please dont go type of thing) - and then another storm - so we all ran down into the basement - but my really nice vacation home was all glass sliding doors in the basement overlooking the water (who knows what water) and with that the storm blew a whole bunch of 18wheeler trucks through the glass - keeping in character my first reaction was i dont recall ever buying homeowners insurance on this home - and i started yelling at my dad - how horrible - i dont get to see him for real but in my dream...  and i start yelling at him...
so no workout this morning
i have a presentation in a little over an hour so...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

we interrupt this training....

well the WBeffect may do that - I am trying to ignore it for the time being
it has interferred with the sleep aspect of the training the past night or so... but I am hoping to ignore that
the other training interruption.... well it is a good one
and i think (besides the scooter versus the pedal bike) it will be a welcomed interruption

i will get in some open water swimming and some running
and it will be wonderful to see everyone
i wonder if gosling helps with endurance?  probably not....

HNT - sunglasses

hadnt had much hnt inspiration lately...  didnt really think i had any this morning either...
but when i slipped on my new fun sunglasses - i thought - well there you go...
my friend, lesley, is so excited that i have a new pair of sunglasses
she wants to personally thank the person who gave them to me and got me out of my lifelong rayban wayfarer love...  so this one is for you, les - love you, mean it...

sorry honey, they're not that much different...

cant wait to see you!!!!!

back on that horse

OK - well I not really - I am not really a fan of those horsey people...  But I already got back up on that bike so...  And really, if you dont know this already, I am so bad with cliches. 
Today's horse was the morning walk/run at 530AM.  I had added this to the repetoir (sp?) a few weeks back.  It works really well when you are not blogging until 10 something PM and the WBeffect insomnia doesnt kick in.  Neither of those were working in my favour for a walk/run this morning.  But as I looked at the time on my phone and it said 542 I figured may as well just get up at this point.
I am so glad I did.  The runs in the midst of the walks are becoming easier.  I say this because when my bike was at the spa I worked in 2 evening runs as my workout and they went rather well.  This morning I worked in some runs too.  I am pleasantly surprised by my progress.  Wouldnt that be so cool if I actually get to a point where I can beat my times for the race in September?
The other thing I really enjoy about the run/walks - the alone time with my music.  TC aside, I dont know many others that enjoy the time spent with music quite like I do.  I may have come across someone recently - the music sure was loud - but not sure if it was the same as that solitude with the songs.  And that is why at 545AM it is so enjoyable... 
So the latest addition to Pandora is Goldfrapp - go to a few earlier posts during my Stereophonics phase (not that it has ended) and you will hear a cover of Oh La.  A catchy little number.  I added it to Pandora to see what else it would bring up.  And I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.  This morning's surprises - Enjoy the Silence; Depeche Mode (ah which made me want to run back inside and find that Keane cover on youtube - hah and you thought the Keane phase had ended?), Possession; Sarah MacLachlan (now that has been ages since I heard that song - great album to turn up loud and pretend to be able to sing along), YeahYeahYeahs, FrouFrou...  and to round it all out - Portishead - who woulda thunk it.  Made me think of a good friend I had just spoken to earlier this week.  Throw in a little Spice Up Your Life, a primal scream (a primal scream not the band), and some coffee - could be the start of a good day.
And I best have that outlook given the reason for the WBeffect who knows what the rest of the day will bring.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

other race thoughts...

Turns out that since I had the date for RR- Rock Hill wrong, I could potentially do the Splash & Dash again this year.  I suspect my inability to run wont be much different than last year.  I just havent been in the water enough to get my pace down.  Maybe that's what I should do tomorrow.  Pack up the gear to swim... 
As for the Escape to Bermuda Race - it doesnt look like they changed it up much from last year when they postponed the 2009 race.  I could do some more research but I think I will just go and hang with friends.  That way I dont have to worry about what to do with a bike - although I suspect Curtis' is the right size - at least right now.  And I could just do some open water swimming for the fun of it.
Speaking of open water swimming....  I will be traveling to Bermuda long before the Round the Sound race begins.  This way I will see more friends than I had hoped. 
I told a friend maybe next year but I am still eyeing a trip for mom's big birthday instead.... 

the days other excitement?

YAY England!
way to get the job done... of course that means this weekend i will need to work my workouts in around the two games....  and since it's getting more intense - it will have to be some Bacchus and me bonding time - dont need any distractions - truthfully I have been enjoying listening to the games via ESPN3

Picked up the bike today

Just like a little kid at Christmas... as soon as I got home, I ran upstairs, changed out of my work clothes and into my play clothes to try out my new toy.  I went back to the park - as much as I want to start riding more on the road - I am thinking NOT at that hour of night...
I did 10 miles and it was a really nice ride.  I am sure the service made it a bit smoother not just the tires.
I suspect I took some time off my pace.  It felt more fun but that could be the whole novelty of its newness.  Ask me again in 3 Sundays how I like it.  UGH!!!!! 

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Music Musing - Something new...

I was recently reminded of forgotten favourite... SNOW PATROL

What were you thinking I was going to say something I didnt hear first on Virgin Radio?
I first heard Spitting Games around the same time I got sucked in to Bedshaped and Keane.  I believe it was my friend, Lauren, that eventually went out and bought the albums.
And I listened to the 2 endlessly for months.  The subsequent albums from Snow Patrol are equally entertaining.  I think they are going to have to be introduced back into rotation - which reminds me A HUNDRED MILLION SUNS has gone missing along with those Keane and Heather Nova cds.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Bike Depot

And even though I didnt use the bike at all between the race in September until just a few weeks ago, I did make that promise to myself last year that I would upgrade the tires.  So I ventured into the unknown world of the local bike store earlier today.  As intimidating as buying hiking shoes for Belize.  As unfamiliar as wearing a swim cap.  Two years into this and I still think of myself as the "C in gym class girl".  I did gymnastics.  I ran around in leotards.  Hung from bars.  Turned cartwheels.  Practiced splits.  This whole rugged outdoorsy athletic thing is so foreign and intimidating to me...  But I walked in anyways - it is something I needed to do.  Crap - I have moved myself to a foreign country and survived - this is just a bike store...  And you know it was pretty cool.  Lots of stuff that I am not even sure what it does.  But impressive none the less.  Dont worry family members I wont be morphing into Brian any time soon but I am excited to see what the change in tires does for my ride and maybe even my race time.
So I dropped off the bike and they told it would be ready Tuesday.  They were nice.  They didnt laugh at my little bike.  And they didnt snicker behind my back.  Maybe I will eventually start to fool myself that I am athletic.
With the bike out of commission for a few days I get a little reprieve from having to get up too early tomorrow.
So off to lounge at SH's pool instead.

history of bikes

Let's recap a little history of me and biking....
There was that first bike.  Whose bike was that?  It was used and had those rusty fenders.  Thankfully I did not take this as indication to stay away from bikes...  The infamous handlebar to the head incident.  I was young.  My cousin, Terry, was helping me clean the rusty fenders.  My mom was observing.  We both let go of the bike at the same time (I guess it didnt have a kick stand) and CLUNK we got a bleeder.  I dont think there is a scar.  I remember there were a number of butterfly bandaids.  And I suspect the rest of the rust remained.  It eventually got an upgrade to a banana seat - remember those?  And a lecture on how they weren't so two people could ride on the bike at the same time.  I think the little girl across the street and I tried it anyways.
The next bike - and the only one before my last purchase - was a gift from my dad on my birthday.  I think it was grade 3.  I remember going up to the bike store on 34 near Hurley Pond Road.  We walked all around.  We looked at all the bikes.  I got to sit on a few.  And we made a decision - the maroon Ross 3 speed with tan lettering and soft seat.  But it was a gift and I'd have to wait for it.  I dont think it came home with us that day.  I think my dad brought it home later for me. 
Somewhere in there between the two bikes I do remember him teaching me how to ride.  Frazee had a good slope for getting up some speed when teaching how to ride a bike.  A pain to get back up but not that bad.  But I started going places on that bike - ice cream, Sarah's, St. Denis, town (what was the deal with only so many minors in the 7-11 at a time?), and the best destination of all - the beach - especially when you rode home via Riverview - what a great road - tree lines, pretty trees, almost flat...
And I eventually started getting lectures that I needed to use the bike more.  I think that's why there was a never an upgrade to the bike.  And truth be told I think that bike lasted up until not too long ago at my parents house.
I got this bike 2 years ago after I signed up for the first race.
And I still hear that lecture echoing in my mind - you need to use the bike more.

triathlon of spending

In addition to the battery excursion.  Wait - let's talk about the battery excursion - So I call REI to see if they carry the battery for the Garmin.  They do but she tells me so does CVA or Target.  So instead of driving in the wrong direction and going to REI, I go to the second Target (there are 2 Targets within a mile of another - the second one is just that much closer to my home).  $140 LATER!!! 
Well while I was there I had to stop by the shoe place that carries the low end Sauconys that I have used for years.  I got a new pair of those.  While I was there, I picked up some new flip flops - I suspect my old pair were bothering my feet.  And if they had any I was going to pick up new boat shoes - I suspect if it is not the old flip flops then it is the boat shoes bothering my feet.
And since I got new sneaks - hey why not pick up some new workout clothes...  oh and a new beach towel (you know I would have purchased the Tinkerbell towel if it was on sale - everyone needs a beach towel with a fairy based on Marilyn Monroe on it)...  and some wine (just because)....  dog food and batteries (the only 2 things really on my list)... 
it's so much cheaper to not have hobbies or interests - hey maybe I can add that to my financial planning and saving SCHTICK...


So I woke up for my walk/run on Friday morning, yucked my FR60 out of the gym bag and strapped it on my wrist.  I hit the start button as my foot hit the pavement behind my house - BEEP - and a blank screen.  You know I am not much of a techy so when I am faced with the challenge of malfunctioning technology I just cringe...  I figure it will cost me money and I so hate parting with my money.  It totally threw me off my walk/run game.  I dont think I got the full workout in.  I just kept tinkering with buttons and it kept turning off.  I sent an email off to Garmin first thing.  As much as I cringe I have also this Murphy's Law aura - it's not going to be just the battery - just you wait and see...  So I may as well prime that pump sooner than later.  I got a new battery and that didnt look to be working.  Good thing I primed that pump because by the time I figured it out I already had a service case started with Garmin.
And to my delight they offered to send me a replacement watch.
That made me smile.
I have gotten very fond of using the Garmin FR60 since I got it last July.  I am always amazed at how my heart rate plods along, how my swim pace varies, how my run for a minute is getting longer than a minute.  Sure the Bulova is nice but you cant tell time down to the second like the FR60.  And then to be able to download it all.  Pretty cool stuff. 
Looking foreward to a new one that works.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Regiment to follow

So a few weeks ago I sat down with the calendar and drew up a down to the last straw game plan to train for this silly race I thought sounded so convenient in July.  WHAT was I thinking?
I have done somewhat OK with it.  Well there was a storm Monday that interferred with my swim.  And I didnt sleep well Monday night - so Tuesday morning's run/walk didnt happen.  But HEY I got Wednesday as my off day down pat.  Thursday was way too hot and I needed to catch up on that up at 3:30am for work Wednesday.  Friday I got the walk/run in but got distracted by my Garmin.
So hopefully next week will go a little better.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

kids in tow

on the path this morning - after i convinced myself to do the 10 miles on the bike - i did do 2 miles on foot as well...  there was a couple that arrived around then on bikes...  and the mom had a child in tow on the back of her bike.  and it reminded me of a younger day...
i used to ride on the back of my mom's bike with her.  i can remember being in it once - that must have been some feat for her to lug me along.  i dont remember going far.  i do recall something like daddy could ride with me on the bike further than she could.
then heidi got a kid seat for her bike - i remember it was when they lived in WLB.  i must have been a senior in high school.  i remember taking someone tiny on the bike with me.  i think it must have been ty because tony would have been REALLY little - like a new born - or maybe it was either of them.
i can remember coming out of the nighborhood and going up a street or two.  i never rode too far.  i remember it was difficult.
i thought of all that today as the woman rolled by me - she was doing a good job and kudos to her for pulling that extra weight around.
oh and kudos to me for kicking out a pretty big workout
now to clean the house - YUCK
kp and I may swim later as long as the storms stay away

rain in the forecast

i am trying to motivate to get on out there again this morning let's just say the world cup festivities were more festive than i had anticipated
JK and I had fun at our initial location - keep in mind my workout yesterday - so i made sure i had enough water in me to not overdo it on the beer - but i was also FAMISHED!!!  and the nachos sounded appealing...  sure far more food than one person should eat but it was tasty
i must admit that i was disappointed that the game was a draw and at the score of the first goal i realised that i did in fact want england to win - no, that is not un-american of me - come on folks we have all these other sports we obsess about the rest of the 4 years and hardly pay any mind to futbol so why should we be so pissy about winning now that it has come to this - i mean the scheme of things futbol ranks at least 5th or 6th behind our obsessions with football, baseball, hockey, basketball, golf, nascar, heck even tennis...  so let's give england a break - this is the sport (ok besides cricket) that they all know and love...  that being said, i hope they win the rest of the games in their group
from there we ended up at a little bar down the street... we have those now that the law has passed... and we had some beers there - oh and a very yummy chili dog with cheese - remember the workout earlier? i ws hungry...
we probably wouldnt have stayed long except we met the new owner of the bike shop in town...
and we got sucked into conversation...
so this morning i am trying to motivate again, it is already about an hour later than i started yesterday, but there is a chance for storms later today and i dont want to get thrown off by that - so i must get moving...
last week i had trouble a few times with the bike being stuck on top of the car during a rain storm - truly not fun!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

up out of the saddle

so i did as intended - alarm went off at 545 and i struggled out of bed... it really wasnt that bad, although a nap may happen soon (yes, i know it is only 10am)..  made the coffee, let the dog out, attended to the FB addiction, hurled the bike up on the car...  at 709 I was on my way down the road.  i realise the turn around time was not as quick as one would assume but i was please with it.  I was at the park by 722.
LUGGED the bike back off the car and started on my way...  i had every intention of doing 10 miles.  but you know once i get started plus the back and forth aspect of six mile creek, i find it hard to stay motivated
i have found that the internal conversation in my head while swimming has become quite rhythmic and peaceful.. i find myself swimming along and not paying too much mind to the passing of laps - of course that always screws with the count..  but on the bike i have yet found that rhythm of cycle cycle cycle cycle oh where did the time go... i am getting close but not quite
so at 4 miles i decided 8 would probably be the accomplishment of the day... turns out it was probably closer to 8.6 but.... 
unfortunately today the regulars i have gotten used to seeing the past two weekends werent there - granted i was there about an hour earlier than ususal but is suspected by the time i left i would see them
and if i think that riding for 6 miles in a back and forth pattern is rough - i can only imagine these few runners that do it...
so i peddled along....  i used the highest gear i could muster in an effort to give the legs a better workout
i need to do some hill work - which is not an otpion on the trail - but i dont want to forego stamina and endurance by winding myself on a hill and then being down for the count - so for now it is high gears
the other thing i tried today - that has been a struggle for me since i started back on this bike thing 2 years ago, lifting myself out of the saddle...
technically the longer you can stay in the saddle the better as standing uses some of the same muscles as running and can fatique those muscles before the run aspect of the race
but up out of the saddle is truly helpful on those really bad hills - so i figured i need to get on that
plus if i am going to start taking my friend's spin class i should try to get better at the concept
unlike my childhood - nowadays when i stand on the bike i feel like all sequence of peddling gets muddled, my legs are moving fast and out of sync with my body. on the downward motion i am convinced my chest is going to smack into the handle bars and eventually my feet will slip and my chil with slam into the handle bars... hence my hesitation...  lo and behold this morning something seemed to kick in, the feet and legs and body struggled at first but did in fact get in sync...  it was a cool feeling... i need to add that more frequently...
from the 8 mile ride i did do 2 miles on foot, only a very little run...
overall it was a good feeling
now on with the rest of my day

Friday, June 11, 2010


the one thing about swimming - it usually lends itself to a good nights sleep
gonna give that a try so i can do it all over again in the AM
tomorrow i'd like to ride my bike further than the people who seem to run forever on the bike path
and i'd like my pace to be faster as well

get in the water

my fear this evening was i would have too much to do and not get out of the office on time.  i have a meeting on tuesday that i have only just recently been made aware of.  hence i had lots of data digging to do yesterday and today...  amizingly enough i got it all done.
so i left about 15 minutes to 5 and headed to the Y
can anyone else remember when i was at the Y last because i sure cant...  especially to swim.. it could be january... 
the parking in front option to not materialise.  i was so lucky over the winter when the "you really need to swim parking fairy" wa on my side.  every day for like a month i found a parking spot right in front.  not so much this time around.  thankfully it wasnt as bad as it can be...  and in this weather you dont have to lug quite as many heavy garments too and from the car...
into the Y i went.  i did the normal routine of walking over to the window to see how many lanes were open in the pool - NONE! - are you kidding me?  in the winter no one was at the Y on a Friday night - I guess this being the first day of summer there were lots of people just kicking about
OH how I hate to share a lane.  it has more to do with the awkwardness of standing over someone while they are in the water and you are in just a bathing suit (not to mention fashionable swim cap and goggles) and asking to share.  i know they would not say no, but i just hate that feeling.  once i get in the water and stasrt moving the share lane aspect doesnt bother me - i might not relax as much but it is quite the simulation to race day.  my lane sharer was getting out of the water when i got in so it worked out well.
it took some time to get a pace - i have given up on the breast stroke as my warm up - i am now trying a steady freestyle as my warm up with the intention of picking up my pace in the rest of the workout...  it's that picking up thing over the next 4 weeks and rest of the summer that I want to focus on
100 yards right hand breathing, 100 yards left hand breathing - uHp, there goes that water in the left ear...
OK, let's see how much further I can go today...  I dont want to make this trek and get out too soon.
I ended up completing 1000 yards in about 28 minutes and eventually had to go back to sharing a lane
I was pleased with the accomplishment
I showered, steam roomed (there was something way off with the temp in that steam room), and actually donned shorts, tank and sneaks and hit the stationary bike for 2.25miles (about 10 minutes)...
I fee good! 
tomorrow is a bike/run day at the park
followed by world cup something


so i already did my 530am walk(almost run) this morning but i just had this world cup inspiration to add to my workout...
i could dribble a soccer ball around in front of me when i walk/run
STOP LAUGHING!!!  it would totally help me address those dark negative thoughts in my mind for sure..
half the reason - shoot it could be 90% of the reason - i fend those negative thoughts is because of soccer
i would say the first sport we played each year in gym class from grade 1 to grade 12 was soccer...
i didnt play soccer...  my mom was a ballerina.  she had me do girlie sports - dance, gymnastics - and i liked it...  soccer, not so much
so I dont really think i would have the skill to dribble a ball with me... but it would be quite the site
tonight is supposed to be a swim time - guess i better get that suit, goggle, cap all gathered up - note to self - remember both pieces to the suit :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

boo crazy thunderstorm

so the sky started getting dark sometime around 4 this afternoon...  and i kept plugging along with work.  and at 5 i still found myself plugging along - really 150+ funds to sift through? if i dont want to do it does anyone else really want to ?.  anyways...  so a little before 6 i decided to head on out..  i have farm fresh asparagus and potatoes in my basket from the weekly market delivery.  i have fresh wild salmon in the fridge from earth fare.  i am going home to grill up some food and then head on out on the bike.  and when i excited the building, yup it was still a little dark outside but no rain.  i even put my sun roof open.  but then eventually the rain drops started to fall.  it was really just a sprinkle.  and when i looked on the horizon toward home i thought it still looked sunny.  and closer to home i got the clouds seemed to be following me.  sure the horizon looked clear but up close - not so much.  i started thinking - i wonder if there is a tornado warning and waht the heck would i do if i saw one?  i probably wouldnt be using the "heck" if i did....  and on i drove.  i could then start to see the rain moving in the distance.  it looked like it had passed my route BUT OH NOOOOOO was i ever wrong about that.  not some hundred yards later - MONSOON type rain just teaming down... right on that part of rea road that has really bad drainage, the part i always say i wont drive on in the rain...  and it continued until i pulled into the driveway
needless to say - the food got grilled in the middle of the raindrops.  truth be told the rain kind of spoiled my mood for the grilled food.  i am sure it wouldhave tasted better if it were sunny.
and the bike ride?  just not happening
not sure what i am going to do instead
not that that will get any calorie or cardio in...

yay got up and got something done

I went to bed around 10 last night.  Not as early as I had been hitting the hay but still a good attempt at sleep.  I have been enjoying the going to bed early and getting up early.  It feels like I have accomplished something without really trying.  Perhaps even more so since I struggle with sleep. 
So the alarm went off at 5 something this morning.  I was shocked.  I thought it was Saturday and couldnt remember why I turned on my alarm.  It took some time to realise it was only Thursday.  And then started the mind game - get up get up get up... you have an agenda for the morning...  It didnt take too long and I did get up. 
Donned the usual - tank top, track pants, heart rate monitor, foot pod, smart watch (that's what I've started calling it), headset, blackberry, pandora...  and off I went....
It was a nice morning.  Those are the things I need to remember.  The low light, the cooler temp, the quiet.  The hill on the back side of JKs house is always the tough spot - still warming up, legs still waking up, warming up....  but got up and back down around the neighborhood.  It felt good. 
30 minutes later I am home with a cup of coffee - my first since Saturday - so that tasted pretty darned good too.
NOW to do it all over again tomorrow.

oh and this evening is supposed to include a bike ride

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

0 and 3

i had this as my day of rest
and this morning as i struggled to get up i gave myself a pep talk
as i drove out at 6am for the 3 hour drive ahead of me
knowing it would be 14 hours until i would be home again
and somewhere in there i thought - HEY, I could do some hill runs this evening when I get home.
There is a hill up out of the neighborhood.  It is a perfect 2 minute run up the hill. Walk back down.
Of course I got home a little later than anticipated.
I had to do an EarthFare run.  And that warranted grilling some lunch for tomorrow.
Maybe I will get to bed now and try to get up early tomorrow.
We shall see how that goes.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

so much for that

my goal has been to get up early each morning and go walking
so far that has not happened
i was sleeping so well last week
i was so looking forward to spinning that into a better AM workout
but for some reason that is not the case

Sunday, June 6, 2010

week in recap

well i didnt work out and train as much as i had wanted to with my week off... and i worked more than i planned to on my week off...
but overall i would call it a good mix of swimming, biking, even some running, reading, time with friends, and rain... so i wont complain that i am back to work tomorrow.
i have a game plan pulled together for the next 5 weeks to hopefully prepare me for the race - tomorrow we are back on Monday evening swim time
I am looking forward to it...

i did drive out to the race site today... no obvious hills like the one in september but there are some long rolling hills... i need to go back out there and check it out again... maybe in a few weeks time

Friday, June 4, 2010

cycling up that hill

yessirree... that was me yesterday.... trying to cycle my butt up that hill. i took the bike out of the shed for it's inaugural season ride over the weekend. i took a small jaunt on sunday - really small, just up and down the road... then i took it to the park on Monday. i did 4 miles - i KNOW pathetic... Tuesday my goal was to go for 6 but got sidetracked with swimming and mostly just sitting out in the sun and reading
Wednesday I worked a full day.
Thursday I went to KPs to ride with her - there was a mix up with Russell.. well not really a mix up but anyways she stayed in while i rode. the difference of riding in her neighborhood versus the park - HILLS. not as many hills as my neighborhood but hills none the less.
I ended up riding for 18 minutes. I suspected I did 2 miles and she confirmed that my distance was probably that.
Let me tell you those hills got me. I dont know if it was the vitamins, the heat, the hills or a combination of all three. But when I was done I could be found lying on her cold kitchen floor trying to regulate my body temperature. I hate that! I havent felt like that in a while. It's not the heat outside type of overheating. It is totally from within. Thankfully it passed quickly.
Then I went off to work.
Today is a full day off and we are going to attempt a bike and swim this morning. I may throw in a walk/run later today if possible.
Then Saturday and Sunday need to be hardcore workouts -
I suspect I should go to the Y to get back into the swim of things. we shall see.