Monday, June 28, 2010


Well here is a subject I know something about.  Or at least claim to.  But I find it hard sometimes to stay on top of the subject day to day.  I am the one that stands up in front of the masses and spouts about getting so many ounces in a given day.  And on good days I do a great job of doing just that. However recently, in the midst of this crazy heat wave and working out I seem to be falling short.
In all irony, I spent a good number of hours IMing with a friend on Friday night.  He was promoting the use of a water bottle on my bike.  I dont have one.  In all the previous races I havent found I needed water for the short distance of 10 miles.  I also think that the time of year didnt make the hydration or dehydration aspect seem all that prevalent.  But we spoke for a good amount of time on it on Friday.  That I need to get a bracket.  That I should practice reaching down to grab it so it doesnt interfere with my pace or safety.  It was a great conversation but I wasnt going to delay my bike ride for the bike shop to open to prep for that.
So on Saturday morning at 615AM I headed out on my bike.  I did about 6 miles.  I thought the loop would be longer but when I saw the timing I realised that was not the case.
I practised the dismount so to speak, run a little with the bike - since you do have to run some with your bike in the transition area - that killed me last year... 
And off I went to do a 2 mile walk/run loop.
When I was done - WOW, what a great feeling.  I jumped in the shower and was good to go for my day ahead.  Coffee, light breakfast, wrap baby shower gifts, off to baby shower, some food, some mimosas, some water, and then off to watch the World Cup game, some Fat Tires, then to the gorcery store, grab some veg for dinner and finally to a friends house...
I was there for maybe an hour when I realised - YUP - dehydrated.
I hadnt really stoppped at all over the course of the day to relax, regroup, and rehydrate.  And boy did I ever feel it.  JUST YUCK!!!
I went home and went to bed.  I didnt sleep well I just felt so out of sorts.
In retrospect - as in that blip of activity above - I realised that I really missed out on the water.  OOoopss...!
I felt sluggish into Sunday.  I even began my day without coffee I was so feeling the dehydration.
I did do another bike/run and I tried to be more mindful of my liquids.
At this point I was also feeling a lack of hunger from the heat. Really not a good combination.
So I have been consuming more water over yesterday and today to try to catch up.  The heat is still teaming so...  it will be a bit of an uphill battle for a little bit.  Being back in the comfort of my own home over a long weekend should help.

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