Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Writers block...

Well not really - it is just that by the time I get in from the gym I have little desire to sit up here and chronicle my time at the gym. PLUS new tv has started so that seems to take up an hour here and there. OK - Monday through Thursday - I am going to have to weed something out sooner or later.
So the new bike is still going strong. I am enjoying it. However I am fearful the hills etc on the course Sunday may be a bit more than the trails I have been riding. Plus I am not 100% sure if they are closing the road or not. I don't like that... I don't want to deal with cars.
And on that note... when at the park - etiquette requires an "on the left" announcement as you pass pedestrians etc. Well of course when I am on 2 wheels and find myself on the left hand side of the trail... I forget that left is not right in this part of the world... You should be in the car with me when I forget that in parking lots :)
The pool - I needed to get back in the water. I had slacked off on that recently. Well imagine my surprise last week when I went to the gym... Changed into my bathing suit headed out the pool and WOW there were a lot of people out there.... Kids everywhere... Parents sitting in chairs watching the kids.... Parents sitting around reading books... Some even working on their laptops... And here I am strolling out in my bathing suit. Can you say deer in headlights? Seems with the start of the school year there is also the start of more formal swim lessons and swim teams. Next week I will need to review that more to get a better handle on my workouts going forward - after the race.
Overall the swim went good. I think I may go with the breast stroke for the event. Not that I can go faster with breast stroke. It just seems easier. I don't get as winded. I don't take in odd amounts of air that make me want to belch. So I think Sunday will be the breast stroke.
And then the run.... HAH! I still can't run... I did however impress myself this past weekend while on a treadmill. In the 3.4 miles that I covered I did not run very much... But I ran enough... I was surprised... I was out there running and then all of a sudden realised - hey I am still running. It was a good feeling.
I will do a few more things tomorrow and Thursday.
Friday my mom and Andrea arrive. Oh and let's not forget the work outing of paintball...
Saturday we are walking the Race for the Cure... Pick up my number and go check out the race site. Oh there is a 5 year old birthday in there too. I have been reminded to stay away from the kegorator...
And then Sunday - the big day!
I was going to take Monday off.... But have you seen the news... No rest for the weary on that one...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I forgot pictures...

I mean if I am going to mention one of the world's most handsome men I should throw in a pic or 2 right?
OK - so if you were to give him some velcro sneaks... he kinda would look like my dad... Or vice versa.
When I was a kid my parents liked to go to the Poconos to watch racing. No not NASCAR - YICK. IRL is it? I haven't grown up to be a big fan of any of it. However one time I do remember going along. And Paul Newman was racing. And my mom and I walked down to the bottom to get a better view of Mr. Newman as he sped by in his #33 Nissan. Funny the things you remember.
I think THIS will be the movie I watch this evening. Originally I said The Sting but I don't know this one.... A fun story - I love when they have to jump off the cliff into the river below and The Kid doesn't know how to swim.
And finally the triathlon relevance... Although I have to do some research to reference the exact movie. Joanne Woodward plays a mom maybe in her 40s maybe older - it has been a while since I have seen the movie. Her character decides that she is going to run a marathon. And at the end of the movie and hours after everyone else she finished her marathon. In talking with others I have referenced movie numerous times as being part of my inspiration. So when I come over the finish line hours after everyone else next Sunday it will be OK... It will have lots of meaning and symbolism etc etc...

Cool Hand Luke

Around father's day there was a story / rumour that Paul Newman had cancer. Ironic for a man that gave so much to the cause of fighting cancer? Or inevitable for someone who lives so long?
I always said it would be a sad day when Paul Newman died. I guess because of my mom's thoughts of my dad looking like him. This whole coll hand luke think and all. And when my dad dies I thought well hey at least Paul Newman is still alive. Just call that an odd coping device. So today that is not the case. And I was right - it is a sad day....
I think I may just have to stay in this evening and watch a Paul Newman movie or 2...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nothing today...

Perhaps it was the bon fire last night that prompted me to not want to do anything today.
Or the fact that the sun never came out.
OR that in my mind I would call it cold outside.
But I didn't do much of a workout today.
I did watch the Panthers and they sucked. Perhaps I should have stayed the course of my previous Sundays and gone for a bike ride.
Well we are still dog sitting but maybe after he goes home I will go out for a walk.
Or maybe I will just rest.
Tomorrow I think I need to hit the pool.
I am not going to concern myself too much with the whole run thing. But I do want to make sure I can do the swim and bike bit...
We are down to the wire.

Swim Time - OOOPSSS!

So I needed to update my swim time by today. I thought I had today to do that.
NOPE - I had until 8am today to update the swim time.
Which I did not realise.
So now I will be starting in the back of the line! I think I register as barely knowing how to swim with the time I gave at the initial registration.
Well the good thing about that is I will be at the end of the line.
And when it gets lonely out there with no one else around it will be because of my pecking order and not entirely because I am so not the triathlete.
I am curious to see what they tell me my start time is....

Saturday, September 20, 2008

eight again

so i went to the park again today with my bike... gosh i almost feel outdoorsy...
i did the whole 8 miles... of course i had to keep the positive self-talk at an all time high on the 4 miles out... well i could turn around at 2 miles and go for a total of 4 - perhaps my legs need a rest from yesterday... i would turn around at 3 and do 6 - that's still a good showing... 3.5 would get me to 7... maybe i'll stop at the bottom of this hill instead of the full 4 - do i really want to do this hill... well i did the hill and i did the whole 4 out... and you know what - the 4 back were so much more fun... there was no chatter in my head about turning around - i was already turned around... and the only thing i needed to do was get back to the car... which i did in about 55 minutes... i wonder why i go longer in a shorter period of time on the stationary bike... i assume it is because i am not dragging my body weight along for the ride... who knows...
i am just glad to say i got that done today
i did not do the swim or run but i still feel good about it

Friday, September 19, 2008

big BRICK tonight...

After this week I needed to get to the gym and I made sure I stayed on task.
I did 10.10 miles on the stationary bike. I did 3 - 3.3 loops that had a pretty intense grade at the beginning of each loop. I thought that would be good prep for these uncertain hills on the real course. I kept the gears/tension pretty high throughout. Again trying to build up some endurance for the uncertainty of the ride.
From there I switched to the treadmill... colder tonight that it was the other night so I didn't go outside.
I did 1.7 miles on the treadmill. No, I did not run. But I am not complaining...
AND I did work in the 10+ minutes of stretch time. So I am pretty happy with myself.

Now tomorrow I wanted to do all 3 sports - we shall see how that goes.
KP and I have definitely talked about swimming. I hope to get the bike to the park as well.
The walk/run thing will probably take some motivation on my part.

I will keep you posted.

I have to wonder...

Am I the only one that thinks there may be a connection here....

The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the United States and included banking reforms, some of which were designed to control speculation.[citation needed] Some provisions such as Regulation Q that allowed the Federal Reserve to regulate interest rates in savings accounts were repealed by the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980. Provisions that prohibit a bank holding company from owning other financial companies were repealed on November 12, 1999 by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act signed by President Bill Clinton.[1][2]

Perhaps I don't know my markets and banking as well as I think I do.... But I have to wonder...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

7.5 miles

I have not made it to the gym all week. Tonight my head felt like it might just fall off. It is amazing the stuff I have done this week. Mostly calling people trying to make sense of things. And the last thing my brain wants to do is get refreshed by heading to the gym...
But tonight I forced myself. I am glad I did. I did clear my head ever so slightly.
I did 7.5 miles on the staionary bike again. I think I was on there a little over 35 minutes.
I did some stretching - this gym is very condusive to the stretching part of the workout.
And home I came.
Stopped to get gas. My normal gas station - did not have gas. I finally went in town and for a reasonable price I could get 10 gallons worth.
So much going on - best not to think about it.
To put my brain at more rest I watched Bones - hey did you see it was about dog fighting? They had some beautiful pups on there. Bacchus still wants a "Mini Me". If only I had the time and money.
And on the subject of dogs - his buddy from down the street is coming to stay again tomorrow. They really enjoy hanging out together. So it will be fun... or something...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What's with all these ends...

Sure the implosion of the Club Met meant the end of something. But gosh that was looking for an end as long as I knew about it.
The end of Yankees Stadium. Sure that too is sad.
But this week has really hit this geeky girl hard... I used to pretend as a kid that I was working at Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith. No really... Sure other people play dress up and I would play stock broker. I would look up tickers in the newspaper. Watch them run at the bottom of the tv screen (oh what a gem cable was)...
I have always found the market and the economy and politics of it all so interesting.
This week sure is a big study in all that...
I wonder how it will all pan out.
And I hate to say this - but this is one of those moments I miss having my dad around to talk to about it. Sure my mom and I had an interesting talk on it all.... But he would have had an interesting spin to it - with just a little more doom and gloom than I would care to hear.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Nothing today...

I came home from work - made some left over whole wheat linguine (which is OK once you get past the texture of it) with lots of veggies and watched the tv. Oh I threw on some fleece pants and a long sleeve tshirt as well - I know it is bloody hpt out there but it felt good on my leg muscles. I did some reading for work and now I am off to bed...

HUnger Relief

It has been a while since I have made mention of anything with respect to the foodbank... It has been some time since the need to food has been on such an urgent level...

As the destruction of Hurricane Ike becomes clear, we urgently need your help to rush emergency food and supplies to the devastated areas.
The hurricanes have nearly depleted our Disaster Relief Fund and emptied the shelves of many of our food banks!
We must get 17 truckloads of food and emergency relief supplies to victims of Hurricane Ike immediately.
Every penny you give today will go directly to helping the men, women, and children left reeling in the wake of these recent disasters.
Your neighbors need you. There is no time to waste. I hope I can count on you today to help provide emergency food and supplies for those in need.

Vicki EscarraPresident and CEO

P.S. Many victims of Hurricane Gustav still need our help and now Ike has brought a new wave of need to our doors.
Please give what you can today!

____________________________America’s Second Harvest is now Feeding America
As of September 1, 2008, America’s Second Harvest will be called Feeding America. Research has told us that making this change will not only make our mission of fighting hunger and feeding Americans in need relevant to more people, but it will allow for increased awareness of a problem that is hidden to most — 35 million Americans facing hunger. As our new name suggests, our mission is the same as always — to feed America’s hungry.
Look for our new name and logo in future communications.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Every Day is Like Sunday

Did anyone ever suspect that a Morrissey song would be used in an NFL promo? I mean first New Order and M&Ms and now this. It takes all those years of alternative rock and makes it main stream... How crazy. I won't complain - you will just find me hunting through my old collections to find some of the songs... Or hours sucked into iTunes looking for downloads.
So far it has been a prosperous Sunday. Let's see how the Jets and Pats do with 1 quarter to go. Not too sure who to cheer for - the retired quarterback coming back to play for a new team (who happen to reside in NJ) or the new starting quarterback put into play as a result of last week's injury.... I am on the fence.

Impressed myself

I am most impressed with my ability to get that bike rack back on my car. whoa - that's not an easy task... these straps here, these here, tighten this first, then that... and on it goes...
I never got to the bike trail yesterday. I went with KF and family on the light rail to the Blues, Brews and BBQ street party. It was fun. Somthing different to do.
But today I did make it out. KP and I finally hit the trails. Thank goodness. I think we both needed to get out there. Can you beleive over all these months this is only the second time that we have worked out together... Once at the pool and now.
So we did the 8 miles at the park. It was a lot easier than I anticipated and a lot more fun. Perhaps because I had someone to chat with over the 8 miles.
From there - in the midst of lapse of reason - we donned bathing suits and headed over to the pool near her new home. And we swam!!! I wanted to do 500 yards - stopped at 450. She was somewhere just behind me. I haven't been in the pool in a while. I like the whole swimming thing. I may not be able to attempt it without slowing down or stopping for more air but who knows.
I am feeling more confident on it at the moment.
I may feel real sore tomorrow and all confidence will be shot to hell... but for now...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Another new trail

SH called earlier in the week and wanted to go walking this morning. We were going to check ou the new part of the trail I found last week for the bike. Somehow in the early fog of our morning we ended up not turning to head towrds that part of town. I remembered that the other part of the trail now extends all the way to trader joe's so we headed there instead. We parked in the shopping center and walked across the street to the path. I have to say I was surprised by the amount of people that were out there. I thought there would be fewer people. we walked for a little over an hour. SH ws thinking it was a little over 4 miles. I can't find the trail exactly on MMR but my guesstimate (and of course their underestimate as so frequently pointed out by JC) had us at a little over 3 miles. I am thinking that is closer to true than the four miles. I definitely was not walking at a 4 mile and hour pace. Come one when have I ever got to the 4 mile and hour pace in all this blogging. 16 minute walking miles maybe.
Whatever the case it was a new trail and it was an hour + of moving so I am happy with that.
Now what to do with the rest of my day... USNWC anniversary is today ... could head there... there is a jazz festival AND a blues brews and bbq...
I may just end up reading the 5 proposals sitting on the island in my kitchen... these will be the opposite of that book i found so rivetting the other day...
AND I do need to go back out to the park at some point and get my butt on the bike..

Friday, September 12, 2008

WW@W revisited

Did I mention they extened the WW@W program. It is now going to run until the company Christmas (yes - we are not politically correct) party. I guess they added another 12 weeks or so. The cool thing is for the next 5 weeks every pound lost WW will donate a pound of food to a local food bank. Our company has decided to start a food drive for the cause as well. Anyone who wants can contribute food to our new bright red LARGE collection bin in the office. I am going to do a pound of food for every pound lost and a can of food for every 60 minutes of exercise. I needed to add that last little motivator because I have learned/proven this week that it has more to do with the exercise than the diet. OK - diet does count to some respect but my body is pretty accustomed to eating healthy in the first place. It's this exercise thing that is really going to get me where I want to go.
So far I am up to 2 pounds of food and 4 cans... I will probably just hit up Costco at the end of the 5 weeks...

Thursday, September 11, 2008


from the gym, i met my friends out for trivia night... i would have to say that was one of the more fun times out at a bar that i have had in a long time... OK i did go out a few weeks ago and that was fun too... this was a different fun... it was neat to exercise my brain... well we all know i gravitate to that more than the physical fitness side of things - so me going to a triva night shouldn't come as a surprise... we all had a good time... and i won the music round for the team - does that come as a surprise to you all? we were in a 3 way tie - thankfully i knew who billy corkin (sp?) was as well as mark knoffler (sp?) and someone i managed to determine he also did the soundtrack for The Princess Bride - ahhh some movie trivia in there as well... of course i also know oddities like - perry farrell chose that name because it sounded like peripheral and doesn't j mascis have a tatoo of a praying mantis? too many odd things in this head of mine
it was fun
i am sure we will do it again

7 Miles on the bike

It took me most of the day on Thursday to talk myself into going to the gym after work. The staying up to 1am to read that book really threw me. Perhaps that's why I try to stay away from reading too much on a daily basis. Sleep sometimes takes the back burner.
The good thing is I DID talk myself into going to the gym and it was well worth it.
I went to HX again - it is so close to the office, convenient in size, clean, not very crowded. An enjoyable experience compared to others. I found myself on the stationary bike again http://www.expresso.com/ . And this time I tried the video format or whatever you want to call it. I did the "sunset bliss" ride... It was a little over 2.3 miles and I road it 3 times for a total of 7.1miles in 42 minutes. I was happy with that. AND it did simulate hills which I needed to help build my confidence in that area. So overall it was a good workout. I was pleased.
I know I need to get to 9 miles on my bike. And I will.. I have 3 weeks - UGH!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tired today

I need to get out the door - but need to suck down some coffee first. I watched Fringe last night - oooh it looks good... and not just because of Joshua Jackson. And then I went upstairs to read for a little bit. You know just a little. I was entering into the "battle" scene of the book and knew I probably wouldn't be able to handle it all. Ah - WRONG - instead I read through the entire heart wrenching and sad battle. I was on the edge of my seat (well except I was lying in bed reading). I didn't want to put it down... So the battle ends and I think - I can't put it down here - I can't go to sleep and just let him lie there all night - midnight rolled around - and then it was I can't go to sleep now and let him dehydrate - 1AM rolls around... FINALLY I just had to put the thing down. Wow - it is gripping. Very well written. Sure I had a hard time envisioning some of the Afghan landscape that they discussed but the battle sequence etc was very well written.


It's like the macarena of aerobics. We are inundated around here with infomercials on it. I am surprised you haven't seen it. It has been around for a while now - good music, dance oriented steps (with a latin feel), and I suppose it is considered low impact. It also makes for a good laugh if you find you have 2 left feet.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bike Run Brick

My intention has always been to walk from the office to the little Y and then use the bike and walk back. However there is something daunting about coming all the way back to the office. What if someone takes my stuff while it is there. What if I get sucked back in to work. What if it gets darker than I had anticipated.
So I clocked a route around where the office is but with a starting point of the little Y. That's using my noggin.
So I headed Y - rock star day - parallel spot right in front! And started on the stationary bike. Oh first let's have a giggle over my behavior. The locker rooms, cardio equioment and weights are upstairs. I knew this from the last time I was there - back over the winter, when I was sick for the month of February, I took a Zumba class there. Well tht fever must have been in full force that day because when I got to the top of the stairs today, I remembered nothing about the layout. And it was noticeable - made a new friend who made sure I got to the locker room OK. He found it humourous as well.
I did 5 miles on the stationary bike. It had all these crazy contraptions on it to make it seem more like a real bike ride - you could shift and turn the handle bars... FOLKS if I wanted that I would be outside on a real bike. I just want to ride and see how far I can go. I could only make 5 miles before my behind started to hurt - I SO LOVE MY COMFY SEAT on my own bike.
So I didnt' do a true brick transition to the run. I stopped at the ladies room and did get my cell phone (I try to carry that with me when out on the road). And then headed out. I mapped a mile loop with the thought I could do 2 if I wanted. Let's just say one was sufficient... The hardest part of the transition were the stairs inside the gym. Walking along after cycling felt refreshing for my legs. But then again I only did HALF of what will be expected of me in 4 weeks.
Please let me find the strength!

JC - my friend is doing the Marine Corps marathon in October. if you get an odd email or comment with questions - that would be her. She is planning on an 18 mile run this Saturday. Crazy girl!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Spreadsheets and Gossip Girl

I packed up my stuff to head to the gym after work today. I knew that probably wasn't going to happen but I was optimistic. This crazy spreadsheet consumed most of my brain and day. Trying to figure out who to call to get the info to populate the fields. Oh fun.
So I finished that around 7 and rushed home to let the dogs out, grab a bite to eat, and plop myself in front of the tele for some Gossip Girl. Until Ugly Betty starts this is my only tv guilty pleasure so I will embrace it.
However in a moment of pure motivation I did get up off the couch put on the sneaks and beat feet around the neighborhood afterwards. It was just over a mile and just under 20 minutes. More of a get myself moving thing than trying to see how fast I can do 2 miles.
I stretched and have now found myself sucked back into this Navy SEAL book. Have I not mentioned that yet? Well I will expand once I am done with it - it could be any day now. I am thinking it is going to be a "Into Thin Air" meets Afghanistan type story. I am preparing to be sad.

Morning Walk

I am trying to get physical activity into my day a lot more frequently these days. I haven't been all that successful with it. So this morning for the first time since before my trip to Bermuda - I got up with the alarm and headed out the door for a walk. I only did about 6/10ths of a mile, but it was a start. Just something to get my body moving first thing.
The next task will be the munch time walk. That one block loop is just under a mile so pretty good at that hour.
And the bags are packed for the gym after work. Wish me luck that I make it there. I have TONNES to do for work and am fearful it will preclude my workouts...

Galavanting Mountain Boy

I probably should have picked a better name. I keep thinking of Ewan MacGregor in the beginning of Moulin Rouge on the ladder singing the Sound of Music... A slightly different mental image than I was aiming for. But then again it does make me laugh on a Monday morning.
Glad to hear 'rents should be OK.
Even happier to hear the venture sounds to be successful. I am looking forward to hearing the stories. Crazy overachiever...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

So for the bike ride...

I walked to into town to meet a friend for lunch today. That was fun. She did give me a ride home. It wasn't my intention but there were some work items I wanted to work on this afternnon and knew I wanted to try to bike out.
So I walked a little over a mile on my way to lunch.
Later in the afternoon I decided - OK let's get this show on the road.
I pryed the bike out of the shed - promising myself I would straighten it out to better fit the bike when I got back.
I toyed with getting it on the rack - I would say this is rather difficult.
And got in the car - phone ringing. It was KP. And we had a wonderful idea to go ride together. It didn't happen. The logistics of getting her bike out of the garage were not in our favour. Long story...
So I headed on my own to McMullen Greenway. I go there often. I started going there when I first moved to my second apartment. Then when Bacchus was a pup and he could still do a 3 mile walk and before the drought so he could also play in the creek - we would go alot. I got out of it in recent years as it is a bit of a distance from my house. But I figure this is the safest area - off the road and with minimal hills. You would be surprised by the hills around my house...
Well much to my excitement - the new entrance to the greenway was open - you could say the trails are now 4 mile closer to my home than before. (I'd have to paste a map in here to explain more and I don't feel like it). So into the newly paved parking lot I went and transitioned to riding with little hesitation. This parking area is newer and queiter than the other so I didn't have much of that - hey they say it's like getting back up on a bike for a reason and I sure hope they're right or else you are all going to see me fall any second now - feeling.
And off I went. It was fun. Thank goodness for the comfy seat - that sure helps. And the hills weren't too bad. And thanks to JC, MD and a few others I think I understand the concept of gears on a bike now. I have found I prefer 2 and 6 - that way when I get to a hill I still have lots of gears to go down to manage going up the hill. And it is a grip shift which is cool - almost like a throttle (a girl can pretend can't she?) - no awkward thumb action needed.
So I went out 2 miles and back. It turned out to be a bit longer than that but the overall signage...
And the other really cool thing about it - from the new entrance I saw all new parts of the trail - nothing I had seen before. You see all this time at the other entrance I only go a little over 2 miles out and it is a 4 mile trail. I will need to do the whole trail over the next few weeks.
Only 4 weeks to go!!!
It's best for me NOT to think about that.


So I took the bike for a spin today. I will get to that in a moment.
So on my way back on my out and back trek... I passed this guy I had gone out on a date with a while back. It was before we signed up to do the triathlon but I suspect we were already talking about it. And there he was in all his garb running towards me as I pedaled. We only went out one time and didn't really hit it off so in true shy fashion I didn't say anything. Plus I don't know if I could have.
What I remember the most about him - as we were walking out to the patio of the restaurant we were eating at he went ahead of me to get the door - and there on his calf a rather large tatoo of the ironman logo. That was a little odd for me.

Hurricane Ike

Hey there since someone else is out galavanting up some mountain - hahahahaha - are your parents in line with the hurricane? I know retiring to the south seems great in comparison to winters and blizzards... but how often do you evacuate for a blizzard...
OK - I lived on an island so who am I to ask... There wasn't even an option to evacuate there.

Are You Ready for Some Football!!!???

Well the season got off to a great start on Thursday night with the Giants beating the Redskins. Today most of the other teams will head on into the stadiums to start off their seasons.
It's still a bit warm for me to consider it football season around here - but it is...
And I know baseball is supposed to be the American sport... But I may have to say it's football.
The National Anthem and a flyover - gives me chills and brings tears to the eyes
(I am such a sap)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Got a Bike!

Ok so it was a bit more spontaneous than I had planned. Not that I haven't tried others bikes and been looking on-line and in various stores. I just suspected I would go to the various stores collect even more data and then make a decision. But Dicks had a bike (it is mostly a trail bike and what I will use it for after the race) from last season that they had just found in the back and put out on the shelf this week. It was on sale for $65 so how could I pass it up!? I bought a comfy seat and a bike rack and still walked away spending less than $200. The rack cost more than the bike.
I took it for a little ride when I got home. Not too far. I am really struggling with the hills. I think I just get in my head too much with the hills... And I start thinking about how much easier cycling was when I was younger and weighed less.
So tomorrow I am packing it on the car and headed to the park in the AM.
I have 4 weeks to work up to a 9 mile tolerance.
Wish me luck!

I am up early today

For no real reason except I woke up. I couldn't really sleep so I figured I would just get up. That will lead to me feeling tired later I am sure. I was kind of hoping to look outside and see weather that resembled a hurricane - ok a small tropical storm. The radar pictures look like there should be but nope... Not really. Maybe it hasn't gotten here yet. I will have to go scan noaa and the such. I have friends and clients near the coast - I hope they are all doing OK. The one used to live on an island so we had a good laugh on that.... hurricane party!

Back in the water

Earlier in the summer did I mention that some dolphins made it up the Navesink River and there was concern about their safety and survival? It was in the news like a big thing. And then itjust died off. Turns out the dolphins are still there. I guess they are doing OK in the river. I would suspect they need to relocate soon with the cold weather coming...
So last week when I was in NJ they closed some beaches because of a shark sighting.
And then I read there are thoughts that sharks have now followed the dolphins into the Navesink. The story cited that a man saw a fin while swimming and tried to catch up to it but it never resurfaced - so either the dolphin swam really far and really fast before having to resurface - which could be the case - or it was a shark because they don't need to surface to breathe. Oh joy....
This has been known to happen before. There was a great story on one of the educational cable channels on the whole thing... I don't remember the name. There is a book too.
And let's not forget - the next river down the coastline - Shark River. It's called that for a reason. As a child I liked to not think about that reason.
And I will try not to think about it while I am swimming laps as well.

Monday, September 1, 2008

NO bike and no real workout

So the bike didn't fit in my car. I only have a part of a seat that turns down so that didn't work. And the front wheel was a permanent fixture thanks to my dad's handly assembly job.
So I think I need to go to the bike shop this week and pick some brains on the whole bike thing.

I was thinking I would go to the Y today to get in a full workout. My throat has been all scratchy again so I didn't move out too much. I wonder if there is something in the house bothering my allergies. Or maybe I just got too tired and worn out from the time away.

So I went by KP's and checked out her new pool. We played in the water with R&R but did not do any full on swimming. We thought about checking out the walking trail near her house but opted not to after the pool time.

I ended up filling up the tank, finishing laundry, throwing together food for the week and watching some TV. My favourite Monday night guilty pleasure started this evening - Gossip Girl. And wouldn't you know my picutre went out on channels 8 through 11 about 30 minutes into the show?!?!? EEERRRR!!!!! I have been on hold with the cable company now for about 15 minutes EEERRRR!!! I got the gyst of the show so I can't complain too much... But come on - I barely watch any tv and the first time in ages I am really looking forward to something... this happens... go figure... The highlight of the show - from what I saw - Jay McInerney had a cameo role as an author (what a stretch). Makes me want to go back and see if he has written anything new these days. Maybe I'll do that as I continue to sit here waiting for someone to pick up the cable phone....

There are only 4 or 5 weeks left so I guess I need to focus more on the workout than the blog. We shall see how that goes... Speaking of blogging - show off JC wrote that she swam close to 2 miles recently... With the fins on I can see where that could be a different workout... Throw on an oxygen tank and you could call it a vacation!