Friday, September 19, 2008

big BRICK tonight...

After this week I needed to get to the gym and I made sure I stayed on task.
I did 10.10 miles on the stationary bike. I did 3 - 3.3 loops that had a pretty intense grade at the beginning of each loop. I thought that would be good prep for these uncertain hills on the real course. I kept the gears/tension pretty high throughout. Again trying to build up some endurance for the uncertainty of the ride.
From there I switched to the treadmill... colder tonight that it was the other night so I didn't go outside.
I did 1.7 miles on the treadmill. No, I did not run. But I am not complaining...
AND I did work in the 10+ minutes of stretch time. So I am pretty happy with myself.

Now tomorrow I wanted to do all 3 sports - we shall see how that goes.
KP and I have definitely talked about swimming. I hope to get the bike to the park as well.
The walk/run thing will probably take some motivation on my part.

I will keep you posted.

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