Saturday, September 6, 2008

Got a Bike!

Ok so it was a bit more spontaneous than I had planned. Not that I haven't tried others bikes and been looking on-line and in various stores. I just suspected I would go to the various stores collect even more data and then make a decision. But Dicks had a bike (it is mostly a trail bike and what I will use it for after the race) from last season that they had just found in the back and put out on the shelf this week. It was on sale for $65 so how could I pass it up!? I bought a comfy seat and a bike rack and still walked away spending less than $200. The rack cost more than the bike.
I took it for a little ride when I got home. Not too far. I am really struggling with the hills. I think I just get in my head too much with the hills... And I start thinking about how much easier cycling was when I was younger and weighed less.
So tomorrow I am packing it on the car and headed to the park in the AM.
I have 4 weeks to work up to a 9 mile tolerance.
Wish me luck!


JC said...

um... pictures?! Hullo!

hills suck. i still struggle with them. i have one by me named Nellie and she has dropped me a few times. Just keep dropping gears and as far as you can, stay in the seat-- it saves your legs for the running portion of the tri. so practice incrementally lowering gears as you go further up the hill and try to avoid standing if you can. Standing is great for the one off incredibly steep inclines or in the Tour de France, but if you gotta run after, get used to climbing in the saddle.

also, don't forget to take a pic of you on the bike and post it. Foot closest to the camera, put at the 9pm position if the crank were a clock. If your leg is lined up over the pedals wrong, it will really make hills harder. When I finally got that seat position dialed in from that 9pm position on the pedal, the difference in hill climbing was exponential. its all about making it easy on yourself if you can.

here's where I started to figure out what to look for... this may help you in terms of the lines you want to establish for the seat.

Happy Holidays said...

um camera sent back to kodak for repairs... it has been one of those weeks...