Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I should not have gotten on the scale in the office before lunch.  It has me 6 pounds heavier than the WW weigh in the other day.
Now I know I have had 2 cups if coffee, one pumpkin pie smoothie, a couple glasses of water amd a strong cheese... so maybe that is what the scale is reading.
I am sure the food over the weekend didnt help... BUT SIX pounds?  I will have to remember to weigh at home tomorrow morning.  The scale is in the shuffle of the bathroom being painted.

Stomach Rate Monitor

Perfect timing or just ironic. Somehow my heart rate monitor did not sit right on Thanksgiving's run. Maybe all that tinkering with the watch ... Who knows...
So as the run continued my HRM slipped down and by the end of the run it was situated around my waistline. It continued to get a signal and it read higher than the HRM normally does. Who knows what that means.
Still just wondering why it won't upload.


So earlier last week I was getting low battery low memory messages from my watch.
So on Thanksgiving morning I fumbled with my mini screwdriver and the mini screws on the back of the watch to switch out the battery. Sometimes I feel like I am all thumbs. It took a couple of attempts to pull it all together.
I was still getting a low memory message and ended up deleting all workouts including some of the workouts that I had yet to upload to Garmin Connect. Eerrrr
Of course I was upset with that but let it go.
Whatnot am struggling with now that is NoT being let go... Ever since the battery change I have not been able to get the data to upload properly.
Why is it that every time I change out a battery I have a problem with the FR60?
Have to wonder if the more expensive varieties have such issues as well.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


It doesnt get the heart rate up that much but it does test ones sense of balance.  And fitting the ladder in the tiny room sure is a challenge.

Friday, November 23, 2012

I hesitate to post this... Wow, what was I thinking when I took this picture.  And I can tell from the setting that it was taken at the gym locker room.  It is in a file named BB 2011 so I know this is more than a year old.  There is another before picture that I have been looking for that I have yet to get my hands on.  This one will do for now.  Wow,,,, just look at that paunch of a stomach...  Not sure there has been much improvement on the arms to date just yet.  I guess I need to find some after or current pictures at this point.

Happy Thanksgiving

I always think of my friend that does not need to celebrate this holiday because um they do not live in the USA or are even a US citizen and does not like turkey and does not like pumpkin but for some reason still celebrates this holiday with family...
I got the food dislikes correct, right?
I still get a chuckle out of this... some restaurant thanks you for your tradition and helping their revenue...

ME?  I had dinner at a friends house.  It was lots of food and lots of fun.  I hate to admit it though... with all the sunny side positive outlook always on behavior I embrace all the time... I found very little to be overly thankful for this holiday...  I know of all days to wake up and not want to embrace that part of my personality... what the heck is up with that... but that is how I felt from before I went to bed the night before and it stayed with me even into today...  Last year around the same time I got this same way...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Four more pounds.

That is the goal between now and Dublin. I have a little over four weeks to bust my a$$ and starve myself to get there. OK that is more extreme than my realistic approach but I like the extreme to it.

I ran two miles this morning and have to come to realise that I can do that all mornings most mornings and I need to not sway from it.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

One more pound

So WW is releasing this new thing ActiveLink.  It is something you wear all day and it tracks your overall activity and converts it into WW points.  It sounds pretty interesting.  It then gives you a baseline and challenges to improve advance excel in the activity area.  I guess it is like the FitBit thing.  So at work they have challenged us to lose 4 pounds in 8 weeks to Thanksgiving and they will buy us each one of them.  I was not aware of this when I ate my way through MS.  So I got the last of those pounds off.  And now I just need to get one more pound down for the AL challenge.
The final weigh in is Tuesday morning.  I am intently focused on this.  I just dont know that one pound is going to drop in 3 days. 

I didnt do it much good yesterday at the Thanksgiving luncheon.  It was supposedly healthy stuff but let's be honest... canned green beans cooked however is not the same as steamed fresh green beans or frozen green beans...  and the sweet potatoes - not sure what they were mashed with but pretty sure that was butter I tasted...  the cranberry relish was OK but probably more sugar than expected... and then there was dessert :)  To top it all off I had more wine after work than I needed as well.

SOooooo - this morning I got up and tried to run that out of my system.  I thought I'd run for an hour.  But after 30 minutes I had done the circuit and reverse around the neighborhood and was sufficiently cold.  So that was that.  Today we are walking around the mall doing some shopping... I would like to think that will kill some calories as well BUT I know in there will be some sort of unhealthy food...

and on that note - i need to get in the shower so i am not late

Friday, November 16, 2012

Shooting Star

I forgot to mention that I saw a shooting star on my run last Wednesday.  Interesting the things you notice on the run. 
I did not get a run in last night as I anticipated.  Watched #TVD instead.
This morning I noticed that my friend has purchased a non-Ryobi power tool.  What is that?!  It is always interesting to run on Friday to see what people have put out in the garbage along the side of the road....  Yes, I do keep this in mind when I put my recycling out.

Big weigh in this morning.  Even bigger next Tuesday so...  I am really trying to limit the bloating food intake.  And trying to get the exercise in.

Tonight will be more stretches and crunches etc.
Tomorrow I will need to run before getting to the mall to update my wardrobe for weight loss to date.  And that holiday travel.
Sunday is going to be one of those long long runs...
And then Monday and Tuesday morning need to be those AM runs...

Just brain dumping...

still waiting on that skewer for my trainer...

Thursday, November 15, 2012


It has been forever since it has rained last.. At least it feels that way.  So it rained the other day - Tuesday - I ended up doing some morning stretches but there was no getting out there.  TODAY it was a downpour!  Wow... could barely get the dog to go out into the craziness... 
SOOOOoooo - this evening I MUST do an evening run. 
I havent done an evening run in quite some time.  It will be good to get out there.
There are races every weekend for the next 4 weeks. I havent signed up for any of them just yet.  Part of me wants to.  The other part of me says hold onto my money and just get out there for a run. 
I am trying to get down 4 pounds before next Tuesday.  I am down probably 3 pounds according to the info I was given last week.  Now just need to remove that margin for error....  I have found the best way to do so is sweating sweating sweating...

I am looking forward to getting up on my trainer and putting that to work.  PROBLEM I am waiting for the proper rear wheel skewer.  Not sure on the ETA of that.  Guess I need to follow up on that.  LONG story....

Have also added some ab work into my evening.  Supposedly you can do ab work daily without need for rest..  I started that earlier this week.  Waiting for the ab pain to kick in.  Not sure - maybe I am just not pushing myself enough...  Hmmmm...

OK - time to get out in those raindrops...

Monday, November 12, 2012

6 weeks to Dublin

crazy i know
feels like i just got back from ireland
seems like it was just christmas 2011 when we talked about going back for the holidays
feels like my loud irish neighbor just moved in
but i really has been a year ... and we are just 6 weeks away from visiting again...
yes, i am finally getting excited...

transition area

i know the triathlon season for 2012 has come to a close and the thoughts of a transition area won't pop up until next year as race day approaches... unless you struggle every morning to get out of the house and fit in a work out at the early hours...
YES - my bedroom floor on a nightly basis looks like an odd interpretation of a transition area...
scattered along the floor - heart rate monitor, sports bra (OK-2), long underwear (it is THAT cold at 5am), top, running pants, bright orange tied dyed hoodie, socks, watch...  all there to keep me encouraged...
and it seems to be working
even though i havent been blogging in quite some time i have been getting up on a regular basis and going for a run... it feels great!
I am just 5 pounds away from my first goal weight...
and it is wonderful for my mental outlook...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

oh, hello there...

Yes, it has been a while since I have been out here.  I got on the road sometime in October and have been traveling for the better part of the month.  The good news - only gained a pound while I was away.  Not sure there is any bad news for the trip or for being home...

This past week was almost a week at home... I drive to Richmond in a 24 hour turn around and boy oh boy did I treat myself on that trip - Chic Fil-A and Chipotle Grill...  And not much working out...

I decided to turn things around when I got home...
Ran Friday morning - felt good.  Ran Saturday morning - nice to get a out there for a longer distance...  Ran this afternoon - got 4 miles under my belt.  A GREAT feeling...  gonna try to do it all this week too...  got two pounds to lose before Friday.

How are the rest of you doing?