Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

I always think of my friend that does not need to celebrate this holiday because um they do not live in the USA or are even a US citizen and does not like turkey and does not like pumpkin but for some reason still celebrates this holiday with family...
I got the food dislikes correct, right?
I still get a chuckle out of this... some restaurant thanks you for your tradition and helping their revenue...

ME?  I had dinner at a friends house.  It was lots of food and lots of fun.  I hate to admit it though... with all the sunny side positive outlook always on behavior I embrace all the time... I found very little to be overly thankful for this holiday...  I know of all days to wake up and not want to embrace that part of my personality... what the heck is up with that... but that is how I felt from before I went to bed the night before and it stayed with me even into today...  Last year around the same time I got this same way...

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