Saturday, January 31, 2009

So soon in fact - Saturday

One of my thoughts for this morning wa to take zumba near my office and head to work. Instead I volunteered to give blood later this afternoon. And I opted to bring some of the work home instead. Then I saw there was a zumba at the same time at Siskey. I thought - hmmm it is closer, I could go there. Well when I got out of bed this morning - that cleaning I was avoiding hit me square on. So I spent most of the morning toying with that. OH there is still more to do but the essentials are done.
But I also opted for some gym time. I went to the little gym. I am still working on that interval trainer on the treadmill. Plus my legs felt a little sore from biking maybe? I was certainI would end up with a crappy pace. But I have to say I was eventually surprised and pleased with myself. That first mile was slow and painful. I finished somewhere over 15minutes. I picked up the pace on mile 2 to finish somewhere around 32/33 minutes (total) and then to get the 3rd mile in in just over 45minutes? I was psyched. In total I did 5o minutes for 3.22 miles.
AND I stretched. It is nice to feel some of the flexibility in my muscles coming back. Every time I plop myself down on the mat I think of how flexible I was in those gymnastic and cheerleading days. Damn - why did I ever let that go? I am hopeful it will come back!
Off to eat something, get some hydration and give some blood.

Friday - still no cleaning as exercise

I had convinced myself that the cleaning was never going to happen so I best make an effort to get back to the gym. I packed my bags and was all set to get on that bike again.
You hear there is a but coming along, can't you... Well KP called and said they would be at the Siskey Y for basketball if I wanted to join her in a workout. I have never been to that Y. What a great way to force me to check out something new. Go with a friend. And that's what we did. We walked the upstairs track for 30 minutes - it would have helped if we had counted for distance etc. But we did not. We both did run a few laps. She is much better at pushing herself and getting her heart rate up. Me, not so much.
And then we did the reclining (I know there is a specific word for this) bikes for 20 minutes... funny on that bike I actually got 6 miles in in 20 minutes. Go figure. Overall it was fun and different and I am looking forward to going back to that location soon.

Tuesday - stationary bike

I went to the gym again on Tuesday.
Note - that was FOUR days in a row! Go figure. What the heck's up with me?
I did the stationary bike and struggled to read my Presidnet Ford book as I peddled. I did 6 miles in about 36 minutes. Nothing stellar. It was more for the habit of continuing to go to the gym and I needed some bike time.
Wednesday - I was going to clean as my exercise. 1/2 price martini night happened instead
Thursday - Was THEN going to be my clean as exercise night. Dinner with friends happened instead. They got a new tv too so I had to spend some extra time there to check it out.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Aerobics class

I was all set to come straight home last night and write up a little entry on the aerobics class I took. It was an hour long zumba class. And it was fun. I think they are in the process of switching in a new teacher. I know this is the first time I have gone to a class in about a year but I think I liked the old teacher better than the one they are working back in. The difference would be - the one seems to understand the hip movement of the salsa and merengue with respect to dancing and the other seems to be more like a cheerleader with no clue as to hip movements. I will probably need to get different shoes for the class. Mine are pretty worn out to begin with. And I think I should find some that are more dance oriented. I will do some research.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Getting there

Well I almost feel like this gym thing is becoming a habit again. Today was going to be a rough day getting out. It is cold again. And I have a lot to do around the house (still do). But a friend called - she was taking her kids to McD for lunch and play and invited me join along. It got me out of the house... and I figured with a quarter pounder and cheese there needed to be some gym time to follow. So on my way home I went around the block the long way to swing by the little gym.
I am doing well with the getting to a 15minute mile pace. I used to be able to accomplish that so easily. Now it truly takes some running with the walking to get to the pace. I wonder sometimes if it is my stride on the treadmill versus my stride on land that makes that pace a little more difficult. OR it could be that the first few minutes are spent in warm up so I have to kick it up to get to the 15minute pace. The warm up consists of 1minute@2mph; 1minute@2.5mph; 1minute@3mph; 1minute@3.5mph; (hah - that averages out to 2.75mph pace) then I usually ramp it up to 3.8 from there. I use 3.8 as my base and jack it up to a run from there. I alternate between 5mph in a run and 6mph in a run. I like my pace and stride at 6mph better than 5mph but I just can't seem to keep at it as long.
Today's total run/walk was 3.17miles over a 49minute period. Both the 2mile and 3mile marks were at a little over 15minute averages. The other aspect of the treadmill I have picked up is the incline and interval modes. I would love to ramble on about that feature but at the moment it would be closer to bumble along on that feature. I need to find the treadmill web-site and see if I can learn more.
Tomorrow gonna shoot for zumba at 5:30

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Somewhere along life's line I have been told - probably from my personal trainer friends - that most successful people have built some form of a workout regime into their schedules. That they are not only driven by the success of their profession but by other aspects as well. Well I was pleased to see one of the most successful people I know at my little gym today. We had a brief chat on my week. I was thankful to be reminded that there are others out there on the same page as me in some aspects of what I do. And when I got on the treadill I thought... Of all places - sure he was by our office earlier this week - I never expected to see him at that gym. He does live nearby. So location makes sense. And he is one of the most soft-spoken, non-flashy, humble people I know. So I guess it would make sense that he would be there instead of one of the flashier locations. And then I felt bad because I know others are jealous of his success and would have snide comments to say as a result of running into him. And that pissed me off. So I just ran it off instead. Interesting where you can find your motivation at times... 2.38miles in 37 minutes. Followed with some stretches.
I could easily take a nap now.

Weigh In

Well the ww@work came to an end sometime over my trip to Cancun. I don't know what my final weigh in was to tell you the truth. I had contemplated sticking with it on-line or even live meetings. But decided for the $ I could do something else. HAH like get real cable...
Then my mom came to visit and the trips to the gym and watching what I ate fell off in importance. This morning was the first day in over a month I decided to get on the scale. Thankfully it wasn't THAT bad. I have gained a few pounds since the lowest weigh in but not too bad. So now back on the band wagon - especially if I am going to do some more racing etc.
And on that note - I AM trying to get to the gym this morning.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hotel Gyms

I have been traveling with my current job now for 4+ years. Fact of the matter is I have been traveling for them almost since day one when we went to ATL and stayed at this pretty nasty hotel. All a very wierd start. Not too long after that I started doing the ATL trips on my own - well at least some of the time. One of my first recollections was to a location north of ATL - I have recently learned I actually have family in the area. But at that time I stayed at the hotel down the road. I have always been the hotel gym optimist... I will pack my sneaks and clothes and maybe get on a treadmill. Now remember I have never considered myself an athlete so I find this habit a bit off. But I am consistent with it. The other aspect that I don't find as odd - probably because I was a mermaid in a previous life - is that if there is a pool I am packing my swimsuit. I remember swimming at this hotel in ATL and have packed a suit ever since and more often than not get in the water. It is quite relaxing when traveling and so far better than sitting in the hotel room.
Well this latest trip the hotel had a gym and a pool. I brought all the fixins...
However I only made it on the treadmill the first night. Now I won't whime or complain. I did 2.14 miles in about 32 minutes. So for me a job well done. A pace well achieved. And luckily enough in the midst of it I was able to catch some innauguration coverage.
The next night I was going to try the pool but the 12 hour day just took the wind right out of my sail.
On the highest note - I can thankfully say I hit the gym three days in the past 6.
And I am gearing up to go again tomorrow. Let's hope the motivation sticks in the overnight.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I am not an athlete

Many have heard me say this. I have said it alot over the past year or so. I consider it to be true in comparison to others. But some may beg to differ. That has to do with my years of doing gymnastics. I don't feel like I did them for very long but I guess enough to make an impact. Plus my mom, the ballerina, drilled it into my head as well. And that's the KEEP YOUR MUSCLES WARM mantra.
So often I would leave the gym with my shorts on. Where are you sweatpants? In my bag. Out them on. It eventually became routine. You put the sweatpants on after the workout to keep your leg muscles warm. Now I just don't like the cold so it is easy to remember.
BUT I have to say I am continually amazed by the amount of people that do not follow this simple guideline. At the little Y the cardio machines all look out the front window and at the front door. I am shocked by the number of people that come and go in their shorts. It's not like it is 80d or even 60d out there. Today it was in the 30s maybe 40s. And these people stroll in and out.
And not only the chill on their muscles... but aren't they concerned about catching an illness? I just don't get it.
So I continue to keep myself wrapped up.
Today I did 2.75miles in 47minutes. I ran twice - once at 5mph and another time at 6mph. I was concentrating more on being there a while than running. I brought my new book on Preident Ford with me. So most of the time I walked at a 3.5mph pace and read. When I looked down and noticed I had already been walking for 18 minutes I was shocked. And then I added some more.
I should have stayed the whole hour but had some other errands to run.
Tomorrow's gym excursion will be in the hotel fitness center. I suppose we will go out to dinner but I hope it is not so late I can't get to the gym. There is an indoor pool too - so I have packed my swimsuit.
And on that note - I am not done packing so I best get at it. Chop chop...

Little Y

So last week I said in lieu of watching any more football I would hit the gym instead. And that is exactly what I did. OK - on Saturday I got my hair cut instead of going to the gym - but I guess that could still be considered an attempt to lose pounds.
Yesterday I went to the Y closest to my home. It has reasonable hours for a Sunday. The Y has some strange hours on the weekend. They don't stay open as late as one may expect. So I went to the little Y because they don't get as crowded. And I don't feel as anxious about the 30 minutes on a cardio machine rule. Usually there is not a line of people waiting so I can go the distance.
Of course yesterday - my distance was just 30 minutes. Well 32 to be exact. I was going to go for 3 miles but then decided to kick it up a notch with respect to the run. And since I haven't run in AGES it had quite the impact.
I started with a warmup the first 5 minutes in the 2mph to the 3.5mph range.
I then ramped it up to 3.8mph. For some reason once I get to 4mph in walking my stride on the treadmill feels all off.
During the 30 minute time frame I then ramped it up twice to a 5.1mph run pace. Usually I run at a pace faster than this on the treadmill. BUT some have suggested going a bit slower to see if I could keep the pace a bit longer. I don't know it could have worked. I can't quite tell.
I ended up squeezing the 2 miles in over 32 minutes. So I can't complain.
In venturing out of my shell I also found the little stretching area for after the run. This location has always been detrimental to my stretching. I usually walk in jump on the treadmill and walk out. Given yesterday's chill I walked in and had to hang my coat up. And that is when I ventured into the adjoining room and the stretching area as I like to call it.
Today I may go back. It is kind of a day off from work day for me.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My Y membership still works...

Well one good thing to come out of the dismal display of athleticism this weekend... It make me frustrated and anxious enough to go to the gym this evening. Ahh - what a great sense of accomplishment. BUT WOW - what a few months away can do to your tolerance - or lack there of.
I went to the gym right near the office. I thought it wouldn't be that bad as it was still pretty early - 5:40pm. But not so much. The good thing is they have stationary bikes there that I like. So I opted to not wait in line for a treadmill. Sad thing is I did 3.37miles in 17:57minutes. A few months ago I would have done that "circuit" 3 times. But today the once around was enough.
Here's hoping I can motivate myself to do the same tomorrow.
And Wednesday - I think we are going to try to do zumba.
Wish me continued motivation :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

nothing nothing nothing

that is what i have been doing with my workouts!!!!
i tried a bit in cancun but then felt sick
i didnt really make any effort over the holidays
so now i am into the new year and need to start back up
at the moment i have a bit of a cold or something and am having miserable flashbacks of last winter's february of illness...
so i have yet to go to the gym
maybe this week
tonight i am trying to drink lots of water with some meds and hope tomorrow i wake up without pain in my face and the ability to breathe clearly....