So last week I started reading all those articles that were populating my in box about proper eating with respect to running and everything else under the sun... So I started by looking at potassium. Must say I havent done much else with that knowledge from last week than just write about it.
It is hard to keep a list of preferred foods with you when you travel and try to make sure you eat them. Instead I found myself eating things like tempura lobster and fried calamari... OOOPSS!! Oh wait, I did have asparagus instead of fries with my lamburger the other night. But other than that - nothing too potassium intense.
Having spent the week at the hospital - for work not fr health reasons - you do find yourself coming across things you may not normally be exposed to when just going to and from the office all week. So this week I was going to focus on Calcium - and I still may given the fact I am all out of milk at the house I SHOULD focus on calcium at some point... But I came across something I didnt know existed... In this day and age I am sure you could find all sorts of things on the internet if you look long and hard enough... but I thought this little snippet to be interesting
And since I just learned that March is National Nutrition Month - I figured it best to promote it.
Now to go back and see what fun things I can learn out there... which is just code for I hope to find some healthy recipes to add to my mix of foods to eat...
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