Sunday, July 31, 2011

Baking not Biking

well yesterday went as planned - no training what-so-ever...
The vanilla whoopie pies and fruit filling went over really well...  I have a picture on my phone - one day I may download that and get it posted here...
The same as the pics of the garden after I spent all that time last weekend weeding...
Today?  Well I didnt get as good of a night's sleep as I would have liked.  I think the sugar overload after avaoiding it for so long was part of it.  My stomache was not very happy somewhere in the middle of the night.  BUT it was the distant heat lightening and eventual slow moving thinderstorm that bothered me most.  Thos BIG storms that are right overhead - they hardly ever bother me.  Sleep right through them.  But this...  Just kept me tossing and turning....
And today - the roads are still wet, the humidity level is pretty darned high...  so I will get some things done around the house and then think about it later.
At the moment we are getting ready for our house guest - laundry, dishes, water plants, clean little guys ears(OK most of this stuff is weekly but...), scooted the dining room table a bit in an effort to make some space for the interim boxes, will be doing the same upstairs a little later, plus moving a dresser from my closet into the guest room and some of the boxes out of that closet...  I guess the bike should finally find a home in the shed too but...
so best get at it

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