Sunday, July 17, 2011

good morning...

what shall we talk about today? 
i did not set my alarm in the thought i would sleep in - 10 minutes later than if my alarm had gone off... oh well...  now i am sitting in the front room - as always - typing away as i drink my morning coffee...
last year i did a good job of getting up and out of the house - had gotten away from the morning coffee routine - this summer not so much...  i like to imagine that there is some peace and tranquility and quiet as i sit here first thing pondering the day over the cup of coffee...
the reality is, the back door is open as it is cooler outside today - so the dog is barking; i forgot to turn on the dishwasher before bed last night so that is spinning away with all its raucous in the kitchen; and oopps - not that cool - the A/C just kicked on... so have to get up and shut that door...
i sometimes sit in the back room but that has taken on a life of its own - work items are taking up one chair - i really need to sort through those articles today; gym bag and other workout items in the other - like to keep the bag and sunscreen handy; and my new bike it still taking up residence in the middle of it all
the bike had been in the back room serving a dual purpose (1)  i havent gotten around to making room in the shed for it just yet and i like it to stay new and clean not shed worthy (2) by walking by it ALL the time the chances of me riding it increase..
as of yesterday a third purpose (or maybe excuse) became apparent - when my neighbor pointed out a very large discarded snake skin draping from the foundation of the back of my shed onto her patio...  i dont really feel like tackling cleaning that out and fighting off a snake at the moment... 
once i am done rambling, i will need to address the needs of the day...  i am going for another ride today - suspect today it will be warmer...  going to do the same route without turnarounds where i get lost :)
i also would like to weed my front garden - not sure if that will happen in its entirety...
and grocery shopping....  probably need to stop delaying the inevitable as well and go for a run and a swim.... 
lots to do - get a little overwhlemed that there arent enough hours to get it all done - and then hardly get anything done - hate those types of days...

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