Thursday, July 21, 2011

belated birthday celebration

it pre-empted that orginal agenda of heading to the gym...  had a nice quiet and relaxing dinner with a friend last night - it is always nice to get together last minute and find it to be some of the best not-made plans around...  dinner of chicken, mushrooms, greenbeans and summer squash was well within the diet...  the white wine and chocolate peanut butter cake - not so much...
no calories were burned but that will just have to be the case...
the gym bag is still packed from yesterday so...  i also have been considering donating blood one of these thursday nights before i go to IRL so that may be in the works as well - just dont have a lot of protein on today's diet so not sure where my iron level will come in...
could work late too if i wanted - lots of mid-year stuff to pull together
and why did i sign up for that race in a little over 2 weeks?  definitely need to ramp it up this weekend...

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