Saturday, July 16, 2011

that was fun!

So I took the bike out to the neighborhoods on Rea near Blakeney.  A friend had mentioned that they are all connected.  AND THEY ARE!!!  Who knew?  I have no idea what they are all called - Blakeney Greens, Reavencrest, Provincetown, Cady Lake....  Ultimately found myself back around to Tom Short.  That worked out well as it was familiar territory once I had gotten myself a little more comfortable with the bike.  And the green light goddess even worked with me to make sure I didnt have to stop at the lights. 
I got turned around a few places.  Didnt get up to a full out ride in some areas.  But that was the intention just to get used to the new bike.  And I cant wait to do it all again tomorrow.  Gonna go look at the map some more see how to get the most out of riding around that area... 
It was a little over an hour for a little over 13 miles...

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