Sunday, July 4, 2010

Today's workout

to keep the dogs distracted as the fireworks go off i turned on some lifetime movie - really the movie is about dressage...  goodness...  and it is not working...  man they are barking!
I got a late start this morning.  It was so wonderfully peaceful and still and quiet when I woke up I just didnt' want to get on the bike and head on out.  So I ended up at the park.  I did the 10 miles on the bike at six  mile creek.  I was happy with the pace.  Glad to just be out there riding for a bit.  Then I did 2 miles walk run but it was mostly a walk...  One day it is going to be mostly a run.  Just dont know when.
As alwasy a gazillion things run through my head but I can never remember anything by the time I get back to my computer.
I went home changed slightly and headed to the Y.
I did another 1000 yard sequence like I did yesterday.
Gonna try to do it all again tomorrow.
we shall see...
one week to go!

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