Tuesday, July 13, 2010

i am irritable...!!!

i did not expecct to be sore again today... my problem being is i am sore in places that i shouldnt be.  ok, I think I shouldnt be.  my back hurts the most.  and then some of my arms.  my legs feel OK.  so I am still with the massage thought process.  or worse yet what if i am coming down with something.  i need to feel better by thursday i need to be up early to go on a client visit... 
so i think tonight will not involve any house cleaning like i expected
i think it will be a long hot shower - really tired of the bath thing right about now - and curl backup into bed
the AC at the office has been on overdrive as well - i half suspect (and oh so hate to say this...) that the draft (yes, I said DRAFT) may be making me uncomfortable as the day progresses... maybe making my muscles tighten or something...
so i am going to try to recoup some more...
next time, maybe i wont do the massage as recovery method
next time is 11 weeks out!

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