Thursday, January 26, 2012


It was nice to get home last night and hang out with the little guy before going to bed. It was so nice to sleep in my own bed. The little guy woke up a few times over night. It upset me that he was spot trained by my mom while I was away for it to be OK to get up at that hour and want attention. I rolled overand went back to sleep. He woke me up a few more times. uGH! In the morning I struggled to get out of bed. The sun salutation was a non event. Took a shower. Got on the scale. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had lost 3 to 4 pounds while I was away. Good job me with my attempts to keep the focus. Then I came downstairs... Something smelled foul. Or maybe fowl. I feared what in the world did I ignore? What in e world is wrong with Bacchus. He could not move. He could not get out of the crate. He could not stand up. We went outside. He still struggled. He kept falling. We sat on the floor and cried for a good hour waiting to get I touch with the vet. This could be it. What a miserable morning. I am exhausted by it. My head hurt. My eyes were swollen. And we come to find out it is vertigo. He has an anti nausea type medication to take over the next week. He seems better right now. Again I am still exhausted. Roasting veggies for dinner. Gonna go to KPs for TVD. She is having a rough day too.

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