Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hotel breakfast

The beginning of the day can so set the pace for the rest of the days eating.  I generally stay at Hampton Inns.  Enough points for two free nights in Dublin...  I like them as they do provide a free breakfast.  And lets face it breakfast at a hotel does not have to be a big production.  I could digress about breakfasts in Ireland as well but...  Or that even breakfasts at a cost a mediocre at best. 
So I sit here reviewing the facts of my options.
Cereal - I went with Kelloggs raisin bran...  was shocked that a cup serving with half cup of skim milk is 230 calories.  Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are high on the list of ingredients.... 17 grams of sugar.. isnt that the same as a soda?  Tomorrow maybe I will search out a hot cereal.
And then the Yoplait yogurt.  I felt like I could feel the sugar on my tongue as I ate this.  Again sugar was listed fairly close to first fir ingredients - even before the strawberries it was flavored after.  This little 4 oz serving was all of 110 calories and again the sugar content of the morning 17 grams.
I wrote some other info down in my journal such as sodium and protein.  They both seemed within reason. 
What will I do for lunch?
We shall see.  I have some snacks in my bag but suspect I will stop off somewhere on the way back to the hotel.

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