Monday, February 21, 2011

i was not paying attention

so i sat down to pay my bills this evening...  i knew the recent trip to the mall and suit purchases were to be addressed this pay period.  it turned out the bill wasnt as bad as i had expected when it finally arrived.  however i was not paying attention to the other bill...  huh?  where did that come from...  kind of threw me off guard.  i was thinking i was on top of it all....  the clincher - ah, the auto re-subscribe function of oh say many things out there....  as of tomorrow when i get in the car there will no longer be sirius satellite radio... that's OK - did you all forget how much money i spent on cds over the holidays - this will give me the perfect excuse to actually listen to them...
also hopefully motivate me to use that gym more as well...
i did go to the gym this evening - did the 3.11 miles around the track - first jaunt with a run walk went well - broke that 15 minute bit... the second 2 miles not as good - legs got really stiff...
planning on going all this week - even with late nights at work - i joined this gym to be able to go later in the evening - so that i will
now if only i could find a good reason to watch the tele - i am paying way more for channels that i dont watch than should be allowed...  just not a tele person i guess

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