Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hill Drill

Have we spoken about the hill drill before?  I pretty sure we have.  BUT it could be as old a conversation as two years ago.  When I was working with the trainer 2 years ago she made hill runing a topic for a week.  How to work the terrain on the down hill to your advantage.  How to moce the legs on the uphill to minimize the strain/work.  At that time I added a drill to running in my neighborhood.  Perhaps I have commented on the hills in the neighborhood before... Most recently the inability to get out of the neighborhood due to the ice build up on the hills. 
I had found that the 10th of a mile stretch in and out the main road is a good path to follow with hill drills.
And that was this evening's objective.
Run up the hill.  I can only make it for about a minute. 
Walk to until I get to the top.  Again about a minute.
Run down the hill.
Walk to the end of the road/stretch. 
Turn around.  Do it all over again.
I found with the hills the time and distance to get 3.1 miles in the mix was difficult to achieve.
So I stopped at 30 minutes.  DARN just short of 2 miles.
Tomorrow is back to the gym.  Gotta pack that gym bag to make sure it happens.  Not happening right now because I am blogging blogging blogging and watching NCIS

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