Saturday, June 4, 2011


the dog got the memo that the race is in 5 weeks and i really need to stick to my training... so he made sure to make enough noise for me to wake up by 630...  i however was disregarding the memo and was trying to sleep in...  it was a crazy week and the idea of sleeping in sounded so appealing... but he was having none of that...  so i got up, took him out, opened all the doors as it was the coolest morning in 2 weeks according to the news, made some coffee and kicked back...  2 hours later i have had some scrambled eggs and bacon and am still sitting here with my last cup of coffee - it is luke warm now but the kona blend still tastes yummy...
so now i am contemplating what that work out need to look like - unfortunately i think at this hour the roads are too busy and taking the same 10 mile loop as last week is probably not an option...  i thought about doing a reverse tri at the gym...  hour on the track, hour on the stationary bike and an hour in the pool...  i know THAT will surely warrant a nap afterwards...  but it would be cooler than outside and allow me to listen to some music AND help me feel like i do occasionally get my money's worth out of the gym...
of course there is a water aerobics class at 930 which gives me excuses to procrastinate even more...
oh yesterday's workout did not happen
the 530am run was interrupted by fat tires - and not the ones on a bike.... Errrr ASO
the evening swim was interrupted by a dinner invitation...
SO I really need to get out there today and ourge the body of all the nastiness and feel good about the workout...

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