Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Morning Run

I got myself out for that run this morning.  It took some motivation from friends to get on out of bed.  And the promise of cooler temps this morning helped as well.  Plus those stats that if you take more than 3 days off you don't progress with your efforts for improvement.  So lying there in bed - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday... Wednesday was a MUST for the run.
And I have added some new goals to this run - ultimately I would like to be able to run the whole loop by the end of the summer.  I did it once - JUST ONCE - before.
The following is more for my benefit as I doubt it will make much sense to those not on the road with me...
The first walking loop is fine.  Starting to run at the top of the sidewalk should continue to be that start point.  The end point down around the corner for that section is OK.  HOWEVER - the next part of the run needs to go longer.  Now this is the beginning of the longest stretch of hill in the loop so it is a bit daunting.  I just need to push myself every time to go a little longer.  And then on the next section I need to start a little earlier.  This would get some uphill run training in the mix.  I went a little further today on the run that starts in the far culdasac and that needs to continue.  And those last runs are OK for now...
Need to revisit after race day
As for next week.  Should be able to workout before my flight on Sunday.
Monday there probably wont be time for much.  Maybe an AM run?  But not sure. 
From there we drive for a few hours so suspect there wont be much time at the end of the day.
And the next day starts REALLY early - that impacts the morning workout and the PM energy level.
Maybe Wednesday AM and Thursday AM will see a little treadmill action but that's about all I can imagine.
SOOO that would be back to a full run of events for Friday when I am back in town.
Similar to this weekend's objective of swim/bike/run Friday/Saturday/Sunday
Gonna try to add those two disciplines in today as well.
BUT NOW - time to get ready for work!

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