Sunday, August 22, 2010

Run in the Sun

This morning I took it slow when I got up.  Thought I'd sleep in and get some other things done.  Not too sure what those other things are except I did make lunch for the week.  That must have been it.  And some straightening.
I was getting restless about an hour or so ago and weighed some of my options...  KP at mall with kids - so cant swim with her, although SP said I could ride my bike through their neighborhood he didn't really think I needed company - he can be quite the dad sometimes.  Could go to Y and go to pool...  Even though I resubscribed to Sirius yesterday I didnt feel like getting in my car.  Go to SH pool?  I may still do that.  Run!  Oh my least favourite thing.  But for some reason I guess I suspected it wasnt as hot out there today?  or maybe I was lulled into thinking an afternoon run isnt that bad since it wasnt that bad that one day in Bermuda.  Whatever the motivation I decided to beat feet around the neighborhood.  I walked for the first mile.  Ran 1on 1off for the the next mile. 
I wish I had the mac-daddy Garmin like some others I know as I would be curious to see what the tempterature was while I was out there.  The sweat is still dripping off of me.  Maybe reading New Moon at SH's pool is a good option for the remainder of the afternoon.

1 comment:

Happy Holidays said...

realised i think i hit a personal best - without going back to other run data over the winter - in my mile 2 run today at 13:18

did end up at the pool - lounged about a bit - think the sun has made me tired