Saturday, March 21, 2020

working out from home

I got up on Monday and made a schedule to try to stick to for the week.  When to stop and get water.  When to stop and walk the dog.  Lunch. etc...  It was a good plan.  I even had a run built into my day and a bike/trainer ride.

The week didn't turn out like anticipated.  There were calls after calls after calls.  And I found myself doing exactly what I expected... sitting at my desk for too long without moving.  Sitting there.. getting stiff... not moving enough.. not getting enough water.

Yesterday I thought WELL IT IS FRIDAY
and I would make the most of it.. I would get outside. I would do more!
Yep, took the dog for a walk.  The wind had kicked up.  It was warm.  And as we were out there we witnessed a gust of pollen right in our path.

And that was the end of that.  We pretty much walked home at that point.  And I gagged on the pollen for the remainder of the day.

Next week I work harder to get those workouts in.. it will help my sanity for sure.

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