Saturday, September 1, 2012

Busy week

Saturday ended with a bday celebration for a friend. That was nice. Sunday was a long walk. It was to be longer than it turned out but footpod died. It had some stress.
Monday was some more stress. But I managed a morning run to offset it.
Tuesday... another morning run. I AM going to get the hang of this. Dinner with a friend. Much needed girl talk. It was an eye opening evening.
Wednesday was a long work day. I was to go to bed early. It didnt happen.
Thursday. That was a run after work. Have started covering 3.5 miles.  Yay me!  Not sure on pace but need to cover longer distances.  I took a long hot bath and went to bed. It was BRILLIANT!
Friday - yup another run! I plan to keep this up through the long weekend.  Followed by a black and coke - i have all this diet coke to use... enough Goslings offsets the nasty nutrasweet flavoring. Then a short walk to the local italian restaurant for some salad and dessert and prosecco.  Turned out to be another eye opening evening.
It has been quite the cathartic week.

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