Thursday, January 6, 2011

Walk walk walk walk

So I have been better at getting out there and walking... but not to the point of pushing myself too much.  I skipped Tuesday.  Kind of unintentional.  Decided to make that my "off" day for the week.  I am trying to walk every day for the next 2 weeks.  So truly an off day is not necessary. 
And then I need to get on the trying to run bandwagon.  I read and read and read all this stuff on how to go about it.  My biggest problem is finding the time in the mental game of it all.  At this point in time I could work 24 7 and still not feel caught up so....  I cant really use that as my excuse... It would be another 3 months and I would still be looking to get ahead and adding on the pounds. 
So tonight I have a meeting at 6pm.  That will go to 7pm.  From there I will have the drive home and leads me to a workout time slot of later than I'd like - heck Vampire Diaries starts back up tonight.  I suppose I could go out after that.  It just seems real late but it is a thought.
Tomorrow I am going to try to get back into the small morning walk and then an evening workout.
Saturday and Sunday I am shooting for LONG walks.  I am just trying to figure out where to go to get that done.  As I have spoken time and again, when I walk close to home I have a tendency to find reasons to come back around and stop.  Maybe I should go to the office and walk there.  I am just rambling to clear my head...

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