Sunday, January 31, 2010

No Pool This Week

Much to my surprise it actually did snow this weekend.  On Friday nights when I normally swim after work it was supposed to snow.  I thought I may have time to get in the water and swim some but needed to watch the timeline of the snow's arrival.  And I needed to work in a visit to the grocery store on the way home as I had NOTHING in the house to eat.  OK, I had enough to get me through dinner and breakfast the next but nothing in the sense of being snowbound.  Well it turned out to start snowning in South Park around 4:30pm - so there was no visit to the gym.  I went to the grocery store near my house - bought a whole bunch of foods for the week - or at least I felt that way with the bill at checkout.

It didn't actually start to snow or precipitate near my house until the middle of the night. But we battened down the hatches and found ourselves in for the evening.

Saturday morning it was still a wintry mix outside. There was no heading to the gym for Satuday either.

I will gave to stay with the 1700yards rep for the month of February.

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