Saturday, May 16, 2020


A lot of people are dabbling with home projects.  The first weekend I remember bounding out of bed.. I was going to prep my patio for warmer weather.  Washed off all the winter debris.  And pulled some weeds.  We do sit out on the patio a couple of times a week.  More often than not we end up doing exactly what we are doing now..  sitting inside with the door open and looking out at the patio.  It is cooler for the dog.  Appears comfier for #ThisIsConrad as well.
Today we are headed to a friends to grab some remnant rocks they bought for a yard project. I am going to redo the side of the patio that is just miserably overgrown and nasty.  Put rocks back in there as I had started years ago.  
There is some neighbor yard creep going on there as well.

And then there are the light blocking curtains in the home office.  They arrived on Monday.  The box says should take 2 hours to install.  So I thought I could throw those babies up one morning before work.  Let's rework that reasoning...  2 hours per panel..  there are 3 panels.  So that's what I am doing this AM after my tea and this little bit of blogging. 

And the other steady project is keeping the house in order.  Dishes out of the sink.  Laundry out of the hallway.  Dust off the tables and shelves.  I have actually been enjoying the down time, the home time, the puttering about and maintaining my space.  It has been good for me.

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