Sunday, May 3, 2020

Day 50

I don't know what I thought when i packed up my desk 7 weeks ago to work from home for a bit. I didn't think the 2 weeks would be sufficient.  But I didnt think about what would be. And I wouldn't let myself think about it either.

So tomorrow starts week 8 of work from home. I am thankful that I know the day will be busy.  I will be thankful that there is work to be done.

Today I ventured out on my bike on the road for the first time in the 7 weeks.  I went around the block... it was an easy jaunt and a well worth jaunt.  I need to do it again.  Maybe tomorrow. Not completely sure.  It has gotten back to depending on how I sleep.

I also did some hill drills and a little more of a run.  It felt good. It felt miserable.  I am pretty sure i am still dehydrated from it all.

And I made what I thought would be a curry chicken and it turned out to be more of a soup. I won't complain.  It is rather tasty. It will be dinner for a good portion of this week. Maybe some lunch as well.

Perhaps I have fallen into a routine.  Perhaps I have fallen into a pattern. Perhaps I have gotten some good vitamin D and endorphins running through my system.  I just feel really good in my own little space.  And want to keep it that way.

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