Saturday, May 16, 2020


Not the movie, the race. I was needing some motivation.
I was doing OK with some running in April.  But as the days turned to weeks and the weeks turned to months.. the short term memory had me working out a whole lot more than the reality.

So 3 weeks ago I decided I would give myself 2 weeks to complete Ironman distances in the bike and the run.  2 mile run every day.  10 miles on the trainer.

It started out strong.  And as usual it faltered.  But last weekend I pulled out the stops to hit the goals.  It made for a lot of walking and a lot of time in the saddle.  But got it done.

Of course I ended up doing absolutely NOTHING this past week but am OK for it.

My tummy has been out of sorts for the past 36 hours.. maybe even a little longer.  Taco Tuesday gave me heartburn of sorts and then some over ripe pineapple added to the sour tummy.  Today there is tea and some pre and pro biotics.  We will see how that goes.

Some fermented food in the future as well.  Get that back on track.

Get back to feeling OK for some exercise.

I wanted to do a baseline 6.2 mile run walk today.  🙄🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🤢🤮

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