Thursday, July 4, 2013

Walk to Paddington

I did this walk the first day.  The air of excitement and some thrill of the unknown made for a brisk walk.  Granted I took a big nap once I got settled in the room  but I don't recall it tiring me.
I did the walk last night just to regroup in where I was going this morning.  Plus I needed to get some more exercise in.  At least that's how I felt in the beginning.
This morning lugging my luggage with me..  wow...  it was a tad exhausting.  I didn't sleep well last night so that probably is part of it.  At least I slept well all other nights.  And I haven't had any coffee yet. 

I got up at half past 5.  Showered etc.  And was out of the hotel about an hour later.  I now sit on the track in the Heathrow Express waiting to go to the airport.  It will leave at 10 after and takes 15 minutes to get there.  I am thankful I listened to my own travel clock to head here.  Like to keep that travel anxiety low.

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