Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tower of London

I just lost my rambling commentary.  Silly autocomplete... the purpose is to complete the word in question... not to delete the entry and replaceit with said word.

So I had started by saying how turned around I get when popping out to the sunlight from the tube.  I don't know how many circles I made to find St. Pauls.  The same was true when leaving SPC and heading to Tower of London. Saving Grace?  The altar is in the East and that was the way I was headed.  Of course the meandering from the street to the waterfront to the street made for some confusion.

Eventually I found my way to the Tower of London.   Me and a whole lot of others.  I had been forewarned of lines.  I just settled in to that fact for my day.  Stood on line to buy a ticket (may seriously consider The London Pass the next time).  Stood on line to get in.  Stood in line for some exhibits.  Stood in line for food (yum, cottage pie).  Stood in line to see the Crown Jewels.  I would equate it to the Blarney Castle without the paths and parks and gardens to take you away from it all.  Maybe even some Disney feel. 

The Tower was good to see but it lost some of its magic and history with all the people.  There was a sculpture to those that lost their loves within the walls.  This was not a commmon practice.  Truly those executed inside the walls were those that raised too much commotion so they kept it under wraps.  There is the Bloody Tower.  Named so for a totally different reason than I thought.  The chapel you could not visit unless on a tour.  I didn't fo a tour.  The jewels we're worth the wait.

I wad surprised how much of the day it consumed. 

And then I was off!

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