In February 2006 I took a business trip to NYC for a client. To make the most of the trip I took the train to NJ to see my parents. A storm was steadily approaching. It was a DFriday night and I sat at their kitchen table calling the airlines to make plans to get out of there. I wanted to get home. I had plans in ATL that I didnt want to miss out on. And so flights were changed and instead of me sticking around for 2 more days with my mom and dad.... my mom drove us to the airport that Saturday so I could get one of the last flights out of the area.
I remember the ride. I remember the mini van. I remember my dad sitting in the front passenger seat as we drove up there. I remember getting out of the van. I remember talking to him through the passenger window. He had his big Uncle Jack glasses as I thought of them on and we said goodbye. Not a forever goodbye but an awkward goodbye. I remember walking across that sidewalk to get inside the terminal...... dont turn around dont turn around dont turn around... keep walking keep walking keep walking.... I fought back those tears like there was no tomorrow.
It was one of the last flights to get out on time. I made it home for Sunday... And later that week I drove with little issue to ATL and spent a wonderful few days with friends. I will always recall the aquarium as a highlight even if I was really pissy and whiny that day.
So as others are taking this time of year to mope and whine and cry and sob about being single.... I think about being left behind with only one parent. I think about that walk into the terminal. I think about all that has transpired in the past 7 years... and I try to find a way to be thankful... to be grateful.... to not have swollen eyes from crying in the morning....
I approach every day as the glass is half full... I dont know how I got to that point but I have.
I view tomorrow as a clean slate. As a new beginning. As another chance to learn and grow.
What will that mean in the end? Maybe nothing. But I wont let myself down in the meantime. And I won't let you down either.
Miss you Daddy.
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