Saturday, August 25, 2012

Race day

I think some of this training has paid off.  I ran two mornings this week.  Didnt think too much of it.  But I guess every bit counts.
Wasnt my over analytic self with the race today. Sure we got there early but I didnt pick up my packet the day before. I pretty much winged getting to OrthoCarolina. And I didnt even look at the course of the race.  That is just crazy for me.
You might say I was distracted.  Which I need to be at times.  The release from pressure is good.  And it seemed to be OK on my overall race.
I ran the first mile without stopping. YaY me!  I did pretty good on the second two miles as well.  I was pretty happy with my overall time and pace.  And I felt pretty good too.
Now to start training for the next race.  About a month away and two more miles to add to the mix.
Wish me luck

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