Wednesday, August 15, 2012


AKA why I did not get up early on Monday.  And I had done such a great job of planning ahead.  I found NBC love streaming online and watched in real time.  Bit I got tired (ok more like ears bleeding) of Jessie J.  They went through all this formality of the flag.  I figured it was done. Bit it wasnt.  Not until I got home from the grocery store did I realise MISSED TAKE THAT!!! WHAT??? HOW COULD THAT BE?
So I watched NBCs edited broadcast for all those hours in fear of them being cut.  Bob and Al and Ryan did not know what to do with them. So there was a lame instruction and then there they were... Jason, Gary, Mark, Howard.... you light
...  turn the tv up! Do an internal happy dance. Goosebumps!  Good stuff! Thank you for not cutting.  Although they did cut the dancers that followed and I have yet to see much of that.
It was good.  It was late.
No early alarm.
But lots of searching for footage since then.

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