Sunday, August 5, 2012

4 miles

I ended up covering 4 miles today.  Haven't gone that far in a long while.  And even more rewarding.. I did a 3 2 sequence.  I ran 3 walked 2 or vice versa given the fact I started with the walk.  I did well with the first 3 miles until my phone acted up.  It gets tired too.  Around minute 38 it started skipping and trying to dial out.  Quirky error.  I walked the last mile.  Good outing.

I am dressed to swim.  But instead made an attempt at greens.  I needed to use that chicken stock from yesterday for something.  And I tinkered around the house some.  Oh and Andy Murray.  Good stuff.

Going to go hang with friends some and then off to the food store.

I am very excited by the closing ceremonies rumor.  I think a performance from Take That would be too much to ask.  Oh the things that distract me.

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