Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Glad I got out when I did

The alarm went off again at 530... dont want to hear it from you that get up and are coming back in at this hour...  I am continuing my campaign to do a morning walk every work day.  It has not been happening every day of every week but the consistency (for me) is impressive...
This week starts some of the trickiness - today is a polymer day... but thankfully the commute is about the same to my office so no change in the gameplan - just need to make sure to stay on task to get out of the house on time...
Tomorrow is race day - this should be interesting. According to google maps the commute time is about 45 minutes. I hope that at that hour the traffic and race fans are minimal...  It may however impact my morning walk...
So this morning I got up and out and it was a pleasant little mile walk...
Glad I got it out of the way - it sounds like it is pretty much pouring out there at this time.

This evening is swim time again.
Monday night I did 500 yards at the SCCL pool.
Last night was at the gym. I did 8x4 which translates to something around 700 yards.
This evening it will depend on my exit time from work...  If on time then UA if not then SCCL.
This is SWIM WEEK!
Next week is back to run week.

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