Currently I am overwhelmed with my list of things to read... At this very moment - and I mean VERY MOMENT - I should be reading chapters 8 and 9 of RPA 2. This would be Cash Balance and Other Hybrid Retirement Plans and Retirement Plan Management... Perhaps you understand why I am blogging at this VERY MOMENT instead. I actually have 12 chapters to read and then study for a test in a few weeks.
So I have held off on going to the bookstore to keep my focus.
Then there are the Ireland books. Planning a trip next year for my mom's 70th. I want to drive it - left is right and all that. Which also makes me in charge of coordinating. So I need to get on that. Ahhh but think I have enough OnePass miles at this point for free tix.
I promised myself I would read - The Girl Who Played with Fire - next. I tried to watch the Swedish movie of the tatoo book but struggled with it. The fire movie is here in town but I would rather read the book first.
Once I read that and watch New Moon - I know I am such a late adopter of fads - I mean how easy can I switch to "Team Edward vs. Team Jacob" when I am still pretty enthralled with "Team Louis vs. team Lestat"... Anyways I digress into Anne Rice ramplings (get it)... Once I do those two things I will pick up a copy of Eclipse. I suspect I may be able read the last book before the movie actually hits theaters. We shall see.
Then on to the last Millenium book - something about a hornets nest - which I find funny being from the Charlotte area... I imagine her down at the old coliseum kicking the dirt...
So all well and good... but now I have a few more!!! UGH!!!
I would like to eventually finish reading the Total Immersion book I started over the winter. AND actually apply the technigues. And now a cycling book has been suggested. Which will probably have me walking into a book store before I originally planned. Hey if it addresses my obsession of heart rates it wont be long before I am at Borders. And it probably be the one next to the Franklin Covey and I will be parting with cash to buy some new and improved organization insert to my dayrunner...
Or maybe all this is just the sugar kicking in from the chocolate ice cream I had earlier this evening and it will all seem minimal in the morning. Well except for that test.
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