Thursday, September 16, 2010

HNT - sunscreen

I think I havent posted this one yet.  I know I went back to find this a few days ago.  Well actually the search started a few weeks ago.  I had a dermatologist appointment.  It was the first one I have ever had.  Wanted a baseline etc etc to have someone else help with keeping track of my years of sun exposure.
So the doctor asked me - and do you wear sunscreen?  I said - yes.  But I have this snealing suspicion that he did not believe me.  Hence the need for a picture...  I wore sunscreen, a hat AND sat in the shade of a little "cave" on the side of the beach the day this picture was taken...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that would be a neutrogena sunscreen stick - i think it's a 65 - and it goes one just like zinc - but is suppose with continual days in the sun - you are bound to get some color