Friday, October 25, 2013


Thank goodness. That was a quick trip. Or at least it felt that way. It was the last scheduled travel for me for this year. However while I was away did receive a request to go to Mississippi.

This trip was interesting. It is a location I rarely go to. As a matter of fact this is only the second time I have visited. It is a smaller location so we generally send the vendor. They couldn't make it but I could... So I went.

Going to Fayetteville is about a 3 hour drive. For some reason it doesn't seem as far. I think because when you get to the end you are on I95 and those last 40 minutes feel like you are really going somewhere. I have often contemplated making it a day trip location.

Accommodations are what you would expect when getting off of I95. I hadn't thought about it prior to a coworker making the observation. There are lots of hotels of all sorts there. There are lots of fast food restaurants there. It is a pass through location not a destination. I was late in making reservations... Ok sounds like FSU would have beat me no matter when I attempted to make the reservation. So I stayed at the Hampton Inn instead of the suggested Double Tree. No big deal - they both generate points.

HAH not so fast... Wasn't really paying attention. This Hampton has outside doors. You don't see those very often. I generally avoid those when I travel by myself. Not really sure why. Just something I do. Even better... Took a room on the second floor. A safety thing. NO ELEVATOR! Here I am 8pm or later on Wednesday lugging my suitcase, computer bag and food bag (I knew the state of fast food and came prepared) up the stairs. And they were mis measured - the top two stairs made me feel like I had extra long feet... And with heels - oh teetering danger...

But it gets better...

The room is fine. King size bed. TV. Fridge. Wifi. Awkward bathroom... One of those rooms that is just a toilet and shower. The type that feels cramped when you try to walk all the way in to close the door behind you. Perhaps you know the type. Again no big deal. I am in the room by myself. Curtains are drawn so no one walking by can see in. Just leave the door open when using the shower and toilet. HAH nothing like rushing to use the bathroom, sitting down on the toilet, and looking up and staring at your pants dropped self sitting on the toilet. Yep AWKWARD. And no real space to close the door to change the view. Had to laugh.

Oh but wait...

Went downstairs day one... Got coffee. Got some milk for my Shakeology. Finished getting ready for my day. Compute bag set - check. Food bag set - check. Hand bag - check. Now to lug downstairs to the car. THE DOOR TO THE ROOM WON'T LOCK! Slam. Nothing. Slam. Nothing. Jiggle the handle. Nothing. I NEeD TO Be IN mY CAr. Run downstairs ask for help. Thank goodness I am close to the lobby. No such luck. It appears the battery that works the key cards was dead. Hence no locking. And in a whirlwind decision... I throw EVeRYThINg I have unpacked back into my luggage and food bag to throw in the car because I cannot wait for this to be resolved. Craziness.

Thank goodness I had given myself enough time to get settled at the client. So glad I am not a down to the wire person.

Over the course of the day they fixed my door and I moved back in. Oh FUN!

There will be a reduction to my bill. Need to keep on that.

Home now - as I mentioned - off to grab some sushi

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