Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 2 -Alpha Speed 1.0

So here I am back on the T25 bandwagon. I did well those first few weeks. I call them five but it was probably 7 run throughs of the routines. Then I faltered when I started Beta.
Last night was Speed 1.0
This routine is a combination of cardio exercises and some stretch and stability exercises.
I struggled with the routine at first because of all the crazy burpees. But over the past few months I have improved in that area.
I still struggle with the stretch aspects... But that has mostly to do with holding a pose while your leg is dripping wet from the previous cardio focus.
Last night I did good. Even held my own through most of the burn out round. OK made it through the burpees with good form and then lost track. But a good workout none the less.

I was going to go for a run this morning, I was in bed by a little after 9. I was asleep by 930 I would guess. I woke up 4 something. My alarm started going off at 515. I hit the snooze until that was no,longer an option. And finally got out of bed at 615. All this is leading up to - no run this morning.

Tonight is Total Body Circuit.
This is the one where I feel like I leave a 5 gallon buckets worth of sweat behind on my yoga mat. Planks planks and more planks.

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