Friday, June 29, 2012


I can only imagine what my drive to get out of here will be like this evening.  There is a part of me that thinks - take it slow stop at the mall instead of leaving right away...  let the highways and the drivers cool off some on this hot Friday before driving 4 hours myself...  It sounds good now... the problem being even when I wait it wont be long enough...  I have the pumpkin syndrome if I wait too long...
Have you ever wondered why everything else of Cinerella's went POOF at midnight except for the slipper that was left behind... Kind of a hole in that story if you ask me.  anyways...
I have a make up WW meeting in the morning...  That's a 730 weigh in which will not be fun given I havent really paid too much attention to my intake this week.  That lasts until 830.
Then I think I will head over to LSCG again.  I can get there a little after 9am and an hour walk/run would be OK.
Then I really need to hit the office.  I dread this.  Can you hear it in my voice?  I just want to drop off all that I have been lugging around the later part of this week and get some filing done.  Why not on a hot steamy Saturday.  I will NEED to remember to throw a change of clothes in the car for that.
Then I was thinking POOL the latter part of the day.  Sure some swimming but mostly just to lounge about out of the heat.  I havent been to SH's pool yet this year.  I have been to the SCCL outside pool yet.  Both viable options.
I ramble like this when I feel like I have tomake the most out of my time in the near future as the current time frame is all booked solid.  Speaking of which - time to load up the car and head on out to my various locations.

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