Sunday, September 1, 2013

Bike Run Wash car Garden

Noisy naked smoking drinking neighbor looks to be moved out! should be cause for celebration after 2 years.

Biked today for 45 minutes. I don't think the distance was that long. Will have to check.
Then I ran for 2 miles. Still my nemesis. Gosh did I ever get hot out there.

Came home washed the car. pISSEd! How is it that washing my car could damage my water proof Garmin watch? For the price they should have a longer life span than a year. Is this my third watch? I sure hope it dries out.

Now cutting back the crazy out of control oleander and lantana in the front yard.

Then a bath to wash all the crap off.

As for the opening comment... I must admit I sure do love my bike and riding and I don't know that I would have had the motivation to buy it or the trainer if not for my neighbor. oK I probably would have just maybe not that bike shop. And I do have fond memories of dancing around that bike shop. Sadly all that should have stayed back ay three years ago and never moved next door.

Ok back to the lantana... They make me itch so I am procrastinating.

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