Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Packed the gym bag

Last week I unpacked the gym bag for my road trip for work. I realised as I yucked the contents out that it had actually been some time since the items in the gym bag had been used...
So this morning at 4:47am when I couldn't sleep I started thinking of all the various walks and runs I could do arounf 6am when my alarm went off. Of course I fell back to sleep and at 6am the cold weather did not beckon. I think it is colder today than yesterday.
So as I hit the snooze button I made a little pact with myself. I keep saying I want to go to the gym during the work day. Do 30 minutes on the treadmill or bike just to get some stress out. It always sounds so appealing. However the stress someone becomes counter-productive and keeps me glued to my desk. Well last week was a hellacious week of culminated stress so I today I have packed the bag.
OK I still need to throw my lockin and some socks and towel but pretty much it is packed.
And my goal is to head over there around 11am and do 30 minutes - hey maybe even 2 miles - wouldn't that be a hoot.
We shall see how it goes..
I haven't officially signed up for the Turkey Trot yet. The finance monster is haunting me - do you really need to pay $20 to go out the South Park and run/walk 5 miles? Is that really necessary? You could just do it on your own. Ahhh - I so live my profession... And of course the occassional introvert throws in the crowds argument. So we shall see what I decide to do.
A co-worker is doing this race and a Christmas one. I should really just sign up already.
But for now I need to finish getting ready for work.
Have I mentioned how cold it is out there??? bbrrrrrr....

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