Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jump Around

There was a neighborhood party last evenng/afternoon. I originally was not going to go. Who knows why I thought that. I guess I was feeling anti-social. It turned out to be a fun time.
There was a pizza - an interesting choice of food in comparison to previous events. And the pizza people set it all up and served it. SO much less work. And there was a DJ - which the girls in the neighborhood looked to enjoy. And as far as other entertainment - the boys just rode their bikes around and were totally cool with that. So I would say it was a good time.
Of course you can imagine by the end of the evening we adults needed to get into the action.
There was a hula hoop contest or 4. I used to be good at the hula hoop - not so much anymore...
There was the chicken dance - UGH!!! I just can't stand the chicken dance.
Of course that was followed by the Macarena - which I do enjoy every once in a while - sparks fond memories of late nights at Oasis...
And then the evening finale... Jump Around by House of Pain. Good thing I wore my Doc Martens (well that was more to keep my feet warm but...). Even with all this training I have been doing - running, swimming, biking, walking - I was still winded by the end of the song. I need to pull out my grunge music and mosh around my living room. I am thinking I am missing out on a whole realm of cardio training... I used to be able to dance all night at the alternative clubs - moshing around, slamming into people - good stuff LOL... Forget ZUMBA...
I suppose the DJ didn't have a copy of Swim by Fishbone... Oh well.
So it was a good time.
I came home and was in bed pretty early.
Now what to do with my Sunday. I was thinking of trying to do that 5 mile thing again today.
I have a whole extra hour... Of course that will probably get directed towards work related activities...

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