Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Morning Sunshine

Alarm went off this morning.  Didnt get as much sleep last night as we stayed up to watch The Bachelorette.  The show started off in Charlotte after all.  And now we know what the helicopters complaints were all about.  Given the number of complaints I expect there will be more helicopter sitings.  Oh, and they do jet off to Bermuda for a wee bit.  Probably find myself watching The Bachelorette for the first time.
Anyways...  the alarm went off... climbed out of bed...  yep, I can feel my feet, a little tightness in my legs, that heavy feeling.  I decided some morning sun salutation would be better for the day.
WoW!  It has been a while since I have done that.  What a great feeling.  Need to remember to add that back into my mix.
Actually going to revisit my entire mix.  No other races on the horizon.  A daunting interest to try the mud run next spring so... 
We shall see.

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