Saturday, February 27, 2010

March is Monday

Guess I gotta get back on that bandwagon of working out.  I would much rather continue to surf youtube and pandora for songs that I would like to work out to...  But it is time to get the workouts back into the mix.
Monday & Tuesday I will be at the Hampton Inn in Canton GA
It is NOT the hotel I was thinking of.  The one I was thinking of had an indoor pool.  I have a very distinct memory of the pool.  I was there in December 2004 and there was a running email commentary about swimming in the pool in winter and how that was a far cry from swimming in the ocean the summer before.
This hotel's pool is outside so it must be a different hotel.  Well I like the Hampton beds so I wont complain about not having a pool.
I will pack the sneaks to hit the treadmill.  I can do that Sunday, Monday & Tuesday.
Wednesday I will try to hit Terri's spin class - which will probably kill me.
Thursday not too sure.
Friday and Saturday it is BACK in the water.  I will not think of sharks and killer whales while I swim...  :)

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