Thursday, September 10, 2009


Last week we worked on form when running up and down hills. I kept that in mind on Monday when I ran. I did a 3 mile run on that day. Today I was slated to do 30 minutes of running. I decided to do a little hill drill. We had talked about this in trainin and I put it to work.
I chose the hill in/out of the neighborhood. I ran up the hill from the fire hydrant to the corner(about a minute). I walked a bit to get a breather. Then ran down the hill to the gazebo (about 1.5 minutes). Walked back to the fire hydrant and ran back up. I did this 6 times.
I have to admit I waited until after dark to not draw too much attention.
Overall I was out there about 32 minutes.
I'd call it a good workout.
Unfortunately my HRM was picking up the signal. I am going to blame it on the bad bra I was wearing. I would have liked to see what my heart rate did when I was startled by the guy walking his dog. I was so into talking to myself I didn't se them coming.
Tomorrow is a swim day.
I may throw me and my just out of the pool wet body on the bike as well.
We shall see.

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